I am convinced the allowance of 'squatters' and unsanitary encampments are to create fertile grounds for pathogens to create disease vectors that will be used to lock-down these cities. This is part of the Cabals medical emergency lock-down plans. Our once great sanitation infrastructure that was established across America in the 20th century, rid the US of common disease. It was never the vax☠xines, but instead treated drinking water, expansive sanitation treatment infrastructure resulting in improved hygiene and nutrition. This is provable and shows vax☠xines were always a fraud and sold to the public as the reason why common diseases disappeared.
I am convinced the allowance of 'squatters' and unsanitary encampments are to create fertile grounds for pathogens to create disease vectors that will be used to lock-down these cities. This is part of the Cabals medical emergency lock-down plans. Our once great sanitation infrastructure that was established across America in the 20th century, rid the US of common disease. It was never the vax☠xines, but instead treated drinking water, expansive sanitation treatment infrastructure resulting in improved hygiene and nutrition. This is provable and shows vax☠xines were always a fraud and sold to the public as the reason why common diseases disappeared.
Nah, homeless people are the most immune, resilient creatures on the planet. They won’t be spreading any diseases.
They are so resilient in fact, their numbers multiplied during covid - they didn’t decrease.
They only proved SARS-Co-V2 was not the killer virus, but was a perpetrated fraud.
Beautifully stated.