Unfortunately, not my father. He is so freaking brainwashed it's not even funny. We just had arguments about politics, politicians, masks, judges, voting and of course the vaxx (along with the flu shot & other shots he has willingly taken), and the people "suddenly" dying. He says he watches all the news sources but somehow has not seen all these athletes dying suddenly. He doesn't believe our own government will harm us. He doesn't see anything wrong with the illegals flooding in. He doesn't believe covid was made in a lab and says covid along with this "new strain" are different than normal flus and colds. He just got over cvd and now has bronchitis, but he feels good knowing he got all his shots. Also thinks the pcr tests work. He believes poopy pants actually won the election and hates Trump with a passion. True TDS! And his wife is right there with him on this shit. He said he will wear a mask if they tell him too. He tells me to give him proof of things I tell him, but I know he will not take anything seriously unless it comes from his brainwashing news. He told me that Tucker Carlson is a lying sack of shit, won't believe anything he says. I tried to tell him he interviewed a Colonel, but as soon as he heard me say Tucker, he went off on a tangent.
Lord please wake the still sleeping masses very soon, before more loved ones lose their lives.
Sorry for the rant but needed to vent a little after our call.
I'm not saying that the people who made the vax had the best of intentions in mind, but my 90 year old Grandpa took the vax and he's still kicking. The way some people here talk about it you'd think that it'd be an instakill for someone his age. I just can't see how if it didn't get him how it could be the explanation for these fitness people dropping dead.
Obvious. howbadismybatch tracks differences in kill and injury rates by batch, because they're different. If you've been around here honestly for any real time at all, you'd know this.
Obvious 2: graphene oxide is a molecular knife, most especially when the blood is acidic enough to hydrolyze it. How much lactic acid does a 90yo produce versus a top athlete?
You can also pray retroactively that whoever gave him the shots substituted saline out of mercy. I say this because God is not limited by time, and we can indeed pray for things in the past as much as we do for the future.
The vax uptake has dropped to zero, which means most people are now awake to the scam.
Unfortunately, not my father. He is so freaking brainwashed it's not even funny. We just had arguments about politics, politicians, masks, judges, voting and of course the vaxx (along with the flu shot & other shots he has willingly taken), and the people "suddenly" dying. He says he watches all the news sources but somehow has not seen all these athletes dying suddenly. He doesn't believe our own government will harm us. He doesn't see anything wrong with the illegals flooding in. He doesn't believe covid was made in a lab and says covid along with this "new strain" are different than normal flus and colds. He just got over cvd and now has bronchitis, but he feels good knowing he got all his shots. Also thinks the pcr tests work. He believes poopy pants actually won the election and hates Trump with a passion. True TDS! And his wife is right there with him on this shit. He said he will wear a mask if they tell him too. He tells me to give him proof of things I tell him, but I know he will not take anything seriously unless it comes from his brainwashing news. He told me that Tucker Carlson is a lying sack of shit, won't believe anything he says. I tried to tell him he interviewed a Colonel, but as soon as he heard me say Tucker, he went off on a tangent.
Lord please wake the still sleeping masses very soon, before more loved ones lose their lives.
Sorry for the rant but needed to vent a little after our call.
I'm not saying that the people who made the vax had the best of intentions in mind, but my 90 year old Grandpa took the vax and he's still kicking. The way some people here talk about it you'd think that it'd be an instakill for someone his age. I just can't see how if it didn't get him how it could be the explanation for these fitness people dropping dead.
Obvious. howbadismybatch tracks differences in kill and injury rates by batch, because they're different. If you've been around here honestly for any real time at all, you'd know this.
Obvious 2: graphene oxide is a molecular knife, most especially when the blood is acidic enough to hydrolyze it. How much lactic acid does a 90yo produce versus a top athlete?
You can also pray retroactively that whoever gave him the shots substituted saline out of mercy. I say this because God is not limited by time, and we can indeed pray for things in the past as much as we do for the future.