This is true of 35/35 past “coronavirus” vaccine attempts, yes. That’s why we have never done this.
The one thing the inactivated flu and coronavirus “vaccines” have been doing, that kills and sickens, is priming your body to have an immune response against m5 (related to Icam-1 / Icam-4) . This interferes with macrophages ability to sense that there is iron bioavailability. That’s the crux of the malnutrition aspect of “aids” and similar conditions. (and if the premise is correct, it’s why Zelenko and others advocated for using zinc ionospheres like azithromycin , and others + zinc - to prime those macrophages to uptake zinc even if damaged. there’s other zinc (ivermectin, doxycycline) and iron ionosphores, they’re not all antibiotics if you’re concerned about overuse or can’t obtain them ) (vitamin c is an ionophore for sodium and potassium , and yet we were always told that vitamin c helping with a cold was just a foolish old wives tale)
To the best of my understanding, that’s at least part of the reason they have been desperate to make this “mRNA” stuff work since the 1960s. (Allegedly “it doesn’t do that”) But they had 70 years to say there was something wrong with the others - why should I believe them now?
Is that the "Cytokine storm" that Dr. Montagnier and others were warning about a year or so ago? They were saying that the vaccines would cause a crazy immuno-response that would be sort of like a runaway truck that's lost its brakes and the body ends up killing itself.
The “cytokine storm” is a post-infection complication of certain diseases like HIV, covid, and malaria. This is where you mounted a defense against the illness and your body is trying to clear out free radicals from it by putting ROS (reactive oxygen species) (hydrogen peroxide) into your bloodstream.
When this happens your body already recognizes an infection and is mounting/has mounted a defense. This is where ARDS (acute respiratory distress ), pulmonary edema (swelling), and perfusion mismatch happen and become extremely life threatening more so than covid itself.
Some of this is good and useful. Too much of it, makes your liver foam up and can eat away at your lungs (pcp pneumonia in aids) from excreting the hydrogen peroxide via inhalation. This is one reason I don’t like masks.
Zelenko’s thing , is more like.. macrophages travel around your body and find cells that need to be hydrated, fed, healed, or are dying from whatever they’re working on (you’ll have them on your tattoo ink for life, they die and get replaced by new ones over and over) . They need zinc. And if they’re damaged by disease, malnutrition, drugs, maybe even a botched vaccine - look up mycoplasma incognitos on Wikipedia, as of a month ago they had forgotten to scrub / memory hole info that it could happen because of “failed vaccines”
Anyway , macrolide antibiotics and other ionophores are a key that “unlocks them” to allow more of your zinc supplements to be absorbed into the macrophages. This shouldn’t be necessary. But he thought this would help you heal better, and he’s probably right. If someone does have damaged macrophages or iron uptake ability, that’s going to impact their ability to make every kind of cell in their body.. repair injuries and cuts..fight disease/invaders.
There must be some way to confirm that in a laboratory rather than popping pills on a hunch or internet advice . But we all remember covid, nobody wanted to help or treat anything- just treat us like we all had a Tylenol or remdesivir deficiency and then send us home with a massive bill. A lot of people did this, with no proof they had a problem and no proof that doing this helped them. The theory works though.
This is true of 35/35 past “coronavirus” vaccine attempts, yes. That’s why we have never done this.
The one thing the inactivated flu and coronavirus “vaccines” have been doing, that kills and sickens, is priming your body to have an immune response against m5 (related to Icam-1 / Icam-4) . This interferes with macrophages ability to sense that there is iron bioavailability. That’s the crux of the malnutrition aspect of “aids” and similar conditions. (and if the premise is correct, it’s why Zelenko and others advocated for using zinc ionospheres like azithromycin , and others + zinc - to prime those macrophages to uptake zinc even if damaged. there’s other zinc (ivermectin, doxycycline) and iron ionosphores, they’re not all antibiotics if you’re concerned about overuse or can’t obtain them ) (vitamin c is an ionophore for sodium and potassium , and yet we were always told that vitamin c helping with a cold was just a foolish old wives tale)
To the best of my understanding, that’s at least part of the reason they have been desperate to make this “mRNA” stuff work since the 1960s. (Allegedly “it doesn’t do that”) But they had 70 years to say there was something wrong with the others - why should I believe them now?
EXCELLENT breakdown, fren. Thanks!
Is that the "Cytokine storm" that Dr. Montagnier and others were warning about a year or so ago? They were saying that the vaccines would cause a crazy immuno-response that would be sort of like a runaway truck that's lost its brakes and the body ends up killing itself.
It’s not the same thing, no.
The “cytokine storm” is a post-infection complication of certain diseases like HIV, covid, and malaria. This is where you mounted a defense against the illness and your body is trying to clear out free radicals from it by putting ROS (reactive oxygen species) (hydrogen peroxide) into your bloodstream.
When this happens your body already recognizes an infection and is mounting/has mounted a defense. This is where ARDS (acute respiratory distress ), pulmonary edema (swelling), and perfusion mismatch happen and become extremely life threatening more so than covid itself.
Some of this is good and useful. Too much of it, makes your liver foam up and can eat away at your lungs (pcp pneumonia in aids) from excreting the hydrogen peroxide via inhalation. This is one reason I don’t like masks.
Zelenko’s thing , is more like.. macrophages travel around your body and find cells that need to be hydrated, fed, healed, or are dying from whatever they’re working on (you’ll have them on your tattoo ink for life, they die and get replaced by new ones over and over) . They need zinc. And if they’re damaged by disease, malnutrition, drugs, maybe even a botched vaccine - look up mycoplasma incognitos on Wikipedia, as of a month ago they had forgotten to scrub / memory hole info that it could happen because of “failed vaccines”
Anyway , macrolide antibiotics and other ionophores are a key that “unlocks them” to allow more of your zinc supplements to be absorbed into the macrophages. This shouldn’t be necessary. But he thought this would help you heal better, and he’s probably right. If someone does have damaged macrophages or iron uptake ability, that’s going to impact their ability to make every kind of cell in their body.. repair injuries and cuts..fight disease/invaders.
There must be some way to confirm that in a laboratory rather than popping pills on a hunch or internet advice . But we all remember covid, nobody wanted to help or treat anything- just treat us like we all had a Tylenol or remdesivir deficiency and then send us home with a massive bill. A lot of people did this, with no proof they had a problem and no proof that doing this helped them. The theory works though.