posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +12 / -0

Dear Jesus, I love you so much. From the moment I accepted you have always been there for me. Even looking back before that, I realized you have always been there. Continue to work in my life, my heart and my mind. Cast out any and all strongholds that prevent me from growing in you. Sanctify me more and more each day. Forgive me from my sin, I know the power of sin is to much for me to fight, that only through u can I rise out of them. Look after each and every soul here. To those that don't yet know you, I pray on there behalf. Give them change of heart so they may see and feel the truth of you and repent from there sins. I also pray for my enemies. They don't truly know what they do. The power and corruption has over taken them yet I wish to see them repent as well. Bless this site and all the many ministries being built up in you. Bring us to one mind as we begin sharing truth and light to the world. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

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