It's like this: The republican party has allowed a fraud election to stand- every single failure, and criminal action of the Biden regime is entirely the fault of the republican party.
The republican party has allowed a plethora of crimes large, and small, from the DC swamp to go unpunished, and ignored. The republican party has proven that they do not know what justice is, and want no part of it.
It is up to us- the few of us who have the guts, to fix this situation. If the republican party fails to elevate Donald Trump as their candidate, then we must destroy that corrupt party at all costs, no matter the consequences. They need to be removed from politics, voted out of office across the nation.
It's not about "winning," We already know how to do that. But, for some odd reason conservatives keep being denied our rightful victories, and justice continues to crumble along with our nation, and society.
This is about stopping losing; stop beating ourselves by electing traitors. It needs to stop, no matter the cost.
It only takes ~2% of us to actively vote to elect any candidate who is most likely to beat a republican in an election in order to ensure the loss of a republican party candidate in nearly every election district in the nation. That's roughly a 5% swing in the vote count. We, that 2.5% of us basket of deplorable's hold the election doomsday weapon in our hands, and we must use it should the republican party fail us, and Trump this time. No "bUt MuH lLeEsSeR of TwO eViL's" excuses; no backing down; no deals. The motherfuckers need to be ruined, and removed from politics- no matter the cost. It's up to us to do it.
It's like this: The republican party has allowed a fraud election to stand- every single failure, and criminal action of the Biden regime is entirely the fault of the republican party.
The republican party has allowed a plethora of crimes large, and small, from the DC swamp to go unpunished, and ignored. The republican party has proven that they do not know what justice is, and want no part of it.
It is up to us- the few of us who have the guts, to fix this situation. If the republican party fails to elevate Donald Trump as their candidate, then we must destroy that corrupt party at all costs, no matter the consequences. They need to be removed from politics, voted out of office across the nation.
It's not about "winning," We already know how to do that. But, for some odd reason conservatives keep being denied our rightful victories, and justice continues to crumble along with our nation, and society.
This is about stopping losing; stop beating ourselves by electing traitors. It needs to stop, no matter the cost.
It only takes ~2% of us to actively vote to elect any candidate who is most likely to beat a republican in an election in order to ensure the loss of a republican party candidate in nearly every election district in the nation. That's roughly a 5% swing in the vote count. We, that 2.5% of us basket of deplorable's hold the election doomsday weapon in our hands, and we must use it should the republican party fail us, and Trump this time. No "bUt MuH lLeEsSeR of TwO eViL's" excuses; no backing down; no deals. The motherfuckers need to be ruined, and removed from politics- no matter the cost. It's up to us to do it.