Multiple things happening at once: Trump in 2024 and the worldwide chaos with Maui fire as an example. We know they are stealing that land. We believe Patriots are in control, but how could that happen if they are in control?
I think patriots are in ENOUGH control to steer the final outcome, but not necessarily everything in between. Patriots have the UPPER hand and the cabal is in DENIAL. They dont have time to hide everything anymore, but have rationalized with themselves that they dont need to because they are too big to fail, which is where they are very wrong.
They figure that as long as Trump is not President in 2025, then its all gravy EVEN if they have to kill him. I think this is why Tucker mentioned this repeatedly because Patriots know that is their plan. That would give them the chaos and civil war they want. This means there MUST be more double and even triple agents on both sides for such confidence. Therefore, Trump must truly be insulated.
All one really needs to do is look at who appears desperate and who does not. Since the cabal has had the upper hand for so long and they are losing their grip their pride begins to show which is different from confidence. Trump and the WHs have a whole different vibe to their confidence - almost congeal and light hearted.
Not the left. Not the cabal. Im cozy.
Sometimes it is hard for me to listen to Robin Bullock. I have to look up Diane Larkin. Thank you.
I think you'll like her. Very soothing voice and always encouraging. She has a Rumble channel that I watch. She also appears on His Glory T.V. it's an app. Pastor David Scarlett runs it. If you haven't heard of him, give him a listen. Many shows with ex generals etc.
Robin can go off the deep end with some subjects like get pretty deep into what a pan ritual looks like. It was interesting how the word pandemic is related to pan and their rituals involve child sacrifice and group orgies with animals. My conclusion of the word pandemic, is that moment when pan comes back from hell and people around that demon begin dying for no reason. It’s also interesting to note that the people dying are dressed like workers in orange hats and it’s like they suddenly can’t breathe like at those evil concerts (I forget the name). Ugh it’s so demonic that I don’t understand why normal people would want to tie that to a sickness. Only sick evil people would want to use pandemic if they know where it comes from.
God wins and His spirit will blow away these evil fears I have after seeing Robins latest video on Elijahstreams