This is why it lost in court before. These are nothing but manufactured flu shots like they do every year. (Only more schitt in the shot)
Everyone needs to stop calling it a vaccine and just refer to it as a flu shot, until they understand that we get it. And we are not taking it. Just as many don't take flu shots either!
If they had been smart (they're not) they would have advertised it exactly as that.
"this isn't a vaccine, this is a covid shot, like the flu shot you get it every year and it helps prevent or minimize covid. Like flu, we do a new one every year because we never know which strain will be the problem."
If they had just done that, imagine how many more people would have opted to get it?
I mean, I'm glad they didn't fool more than they did. They wanted (and had) it mandated. They didn't want it optional.
Hindsight though, I imagine the derp state wishes they had approached it differently.
In retail, they call that "pushing the sale too hard".
And now more and more are having buyers remorse.
I still think the biggest obvious red flag was this: if it was actually worth a damn and protected from anything, they'd charge you for it. Not give it away for free or even incentives for getting the jab: free drinks, donuts, days off, or cash.
When is the last time a normal person, not on welfare or medicaid, etc, received any medication for free? They even charge you for fucking aspirin...