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UK Students “Ruthlessly Dumped” as Migrants Get Their Luxury Lodgings | In a bid to solve a housing crisis of its own making, the British government prioritized illegal migrants over university students.


“This decision is beyond the control of Prestige Student Living. Our team took immediate action to inform students and help them secure alternative accommodation in Huddersfield and return all payments made to us,” the property manager said in a statement.

“We deeply sympathize with the students affected by the news and will do all we can to support them,” it added.

Apparently this university, like others in the UK, "got out of the housing business" and student residences are privately-run.

“A lot of universities,” he continued, “sold all their accommodation to the private sector … Because of that now what seems to have transpired is that these guys have said, ‘Oh this is nice, we get more money if we put asylum seekers in’.”

Asylum seekers after WWII were housed in tent cities, securely fenced-in, while their claims were being assessed.

That this is not going on now, but rather they are being put-up in posh luxury hotels and residences, free to come and go (and disappear) as they please, tells you that the governments have no security agenda.