I have been starting the process of canning food and trying to be intelligent in general about not being reliant on my grocery store in case SHTF here. Anybody have ideas on how to better expand that?
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I have been starting the process of canning food and trying to be intelligent in general about not being reliant on my grocery store in case SHTF here. Anybody have ideas on how to better expand that?
Lead > Water > Food > Silver
Also a stash of basic meds and antibiotics, IVM, HCQ. (And definitely a stash of anything we take regularly, like for blood pressure, etc.)
Here's our list of reliable places from which to buy:
Very good point 20-guage!
Tractor Supply still allowing purchase of Ivermectin without prescription. I have 2+ year supply for my quarterly anti-parasite treatments now.
Yep, the horsey paste works just fine. (I still have a huge stash from early on in the insanity.) I decided to switch to the pill form cuz the normies in my circle (even MAGA normies), just won't use the paste. Also, pills are just easier for long term use / dosing. (I've been taking it prophylactically since 2021.)
Another good source for the paste is ValleyVet.
Don't forget to grab a few tubes of FenBen (Fenbendazole) also @ TSC.
FenBen gets the parasites that Ivermectin won't get rid of. Same isle - straight up FenBen - no blends.
Get some MMS. One kit (1) 8 oz. bottle of Sodium Chlorite (1) 8 oz. bottle HCL will last a long time, at least 2000 doses, and will kill more than parasites. Cures dozens of ailments.
And DMSO is all you need.
Ivermectin or FenBen will not help a sprained ankle, torn muscle, cut to heal, stroke, or save you from snake/spider poison, but MMS and DMSO will.
Get some MMS. One kit (1) 8 oz. bottle of Sodium Chlorite (1) 8 oz. bottle HCL will last a long time, at least 2000 doses, and will kill more than parasites.
Penicillin too.
Chickens turn bugs into food.
The first rule of prep club is that you don't talk about prep club
Perfect point. Buuutttt...it takes years to build relationships with neighbors who will have your back and you theirs. Do you have people to share SA with? They’ll come with a simple phone or radio call? With the proper ‘tools’ if the hoardes are roaming? Or you to them?
Add in knowledge and skills to use those led supplies you stacked away. I’m teaching a CPR class Saturday...come on in!
Grain kept dry sealed and cool can last a very long time.
Learn to mill it yourself and make your own bread the way God intended. It's way healthier and it tastes better then anything you can buy.
Pemmican, one of most nutritious survival foods, made/stored correctly can last hundreds of years.
Don't ignore the back end -- most prepper's do. What happen's when the water stops coming out of the tap? Don't waste drinking water flushing the toilet. Be ready with this book: https://www.amazon.com/Humanure-Handbook-4th-Shit-Nutshell/dp/0964425882
I think everyone should have the materials to make Chlorine Dioxide / MMS for water treatment. It's useful as a disinfectant and as medicine too. Don't store bleach. It looses its potency over time. Some water treatment products use ClO2 as the active ingredient. Also used in municipal water treatment plants. I haven't done enough research yet to confidently give instructions on using MMS for water treatment.
You can get free PDFs of the Humanure Handbook chapter by chapter from their website, but printed books are a good idea.
agreed, I got a 375gal food grade IBC tote that I harvest rainwater with. Have UV, carbon and other filters to clean it.
This is the answer for long term survival - Rain Water Harvesting (Obviously in super dry areas you will need a fresh source instead, could switch to condensation trap)
Run it through some charcoal from a hot hot fire and over some pebbles and rocks.
Pure H20.
I have had success distilling my own water. I then remineralize with mineral packs and store longterm in glass containers re-used from juice purchases and 64 oz glass “milk containers” bought off Amazon. This is drinking water.
400 gal of filtered tap water for other purposes stored in water tanks purchased from Tractor Supply. It is best to put these underground below frost line or inside garage if heated over winter.
IMO, a waste of time unless you're locked in jail. Identify surface water in your area - springs or creeks. Use filtration to increase your stored supply.
Springs or deep well are preferable if available. Lots of contaminants and toxins found in surface water in my area. And my local “city water” has flouride and other “additives”. So I did distilled + re-mineralize as experiment and liked the result.
Clearly this is NOT a longterm solution to water supply issues.
Sounds like you're on it. Cities are tough. A good source of clean drinking water is gold. Good luck and stay safe.
Sorry if I overlooked it, but from what I see in your list you seemed to have forgotten the one thing you can't live more than three day without, WATER.
1.) Keep on hand a mean to purify water. Sawyer-mini, Chlorine Dioxide etc.
Mobility plan - Do you have a place to go when society collapses? Most people do not so figure out how to best shelter and defend where you are. Pool resources with family and friends that can be trusted - strength in numbers - roof-top Koreans know the score.
Ever see this? https://westernrifleshooters.blogspot.com/2010/07/bracken-cw2-cube-mapping-meta-terrain.html
Better network. Because single families aren’t going to do well unless they have a damned compound. Piracy will be rampant.
Don't focus on TEOTWAWKI. Focus on being ready for what you KNOW will come. Do an analysis of threats in your locale....ice storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Next layer in environmental risks...are you near a train track that is used for industrial transportation (risk of chemical spill) or in the down wind of the prevailing patterns from a nuke facility, and so forth. Then consider the social environment in which you live and then expand to a radius that you think appropriate for what might impact you...maybe 100 miles? Set up a network - a MAG is necessary in this wider concern (don't think you can go it alone....you can't) but you need a wider network with communications in order to gather information.
Within that rubric stock AND BUILD SKILLS accordingly. One structured method is the rule of threes for survival...you can survive 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 hours in harsh conditions without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. Weave sanitation/medical and defense/protection in as needed.
i think someone read the same book i read :)
I was like, is that Hawaiian???
Dont buy Liberty brand safes.
Why not?
With all the poison and chemicals going into the processed foods, you should be putting up as much of your own food as possible. Beginning in 2019 there was a huge change of ingredients put in food. Most processed foods are no long real food. They are a product for you to consume. All of this happened during the Pandemic. They want us sick and dependent on meds. Grow you own spices too. Buy olive oils and salts overseas while you can. Our basic foods are being contaminated. If at all possible raise your own meat chickens. Plant potatoes and beans.... anything to keep you healthy and from going hungry. Purchase a gravity fed water purifier (Berkey). Without clean food and water, nothing else matters. Reach out to a local rancher and purchase beef. Find other liked minded men for a support system. Have the ability to protect your family and to hunt.
Box freezer. Worth it.
Don't forget protein foods. I have powdered eggs.
I also got a "solar generator" which is really just a very heavy battery with some solar panels. It should run my fridge or freezer for 8 hours or more. I think I had heard on the Adam Carolla Show that you can run the freezer for 8 hours and leave it unplugged (and unopened) for 16 hours.
Paper books for things like plant identification would be a good idea.
Tradable items like ammo and alcohol are recommended. I don't drink, but I know others would really like to drink during a disaster.
Buy a still and learn how to make booze. Can trade it for anything.
We've actually considered this, alcohol is a great disinfectant and a big commodity. Moonshiners were not dumb
Fuel storage: Use ‘Stabil’ brand stabilizer to store fuel for 24 months. I started in 2021 and then used fuel in 2023 with no issues. Used 5 gal steel jerry cans (and some 5gal plastic) for storage for both auto and generator. Successfully mixed 70:30 fuel of 91 octane/87 octane for use in premium fuel vehicle while doing 2023 stored fuel usage and refresh of 2021 inventory.
Recommend fuel injector cleaner (fuel additive) 2x after using 70:30 mix for extended period to get stored fuel reserve inventory as desired.
Strongly recommend Tri Fuel Generator.
Get some flour and yeast and salt. Get 50 lb. bags of 00 flour from Italy, which will probably not be sprayed with glyphosate. Makes great bread, pizza, foccacia.
Vacuum pack the flour and yeast. Get lots of salt. King Arthur is USA but organic/ nonGMO and if you find a restaurant store, you may get it for about 50 cents/lb of you can handle a 50-lb bag. Get your vacuum sealer and bags ready before you buy this much...
Antibiotics and diarrhea pills- dehydration from digestive illness kills quickly. Gatorade/Powerade powder, Pedialyte or equivalent if long-dated, because most of us or or families aren't used to sweating outdoors in survival mode.
Even if you have a generator, they are really loud, so be ready to go dark if you must. This means of course, batteries, candles, flashlights, lighters and matches.
Buy some junk silver 1964 and earlier silver us coins,they will be good for bartering. Buy dimes and quarters.
Keep old computer components too, the gold can be extracted and melted into coins
There is one thing I have never heard preppers talk about, and that is salt. You cannot survive without it. It preserves food, and when there is none to be had, it will be right up there with clean drinking water. In places like Appalachia, where there are no natural salt deposits, salt will be priceless. Roman soldiers used to get paid in salt, that's how valuable it is. I discovered that Morton Pool Salt, in the blue bag, is pure sodium chloride, with no additives. I bought 7 40 pound bags, for about 9 dollars per bag. It's put away in deep storage, just in case.
If you live in a populated area you should consider bugging out somewhere less crowded. But have contingencies in case you cannot get there. At the very least keep a go bag in your car/truck with food and other supplies.
Go easy on the canned food. You need to supplement with other foods, particularly dehydrated. If you do alot of dehydrated food be sure to stock extra water for it.
Don't forget to have extra food for your pets.
I started prepping after BO got into office. I bought a lot of the size 10 cans of deyhdrated food. Once opened they will go bad unless I feed my neighbors which I intend to do now. If I had to do it again I would buy the individual meal packs of dehydrated food.
Buy large water storage systems you can stack. I have a number of them in my attic I refill and change out annually. We do have hurricanes here so already had to use them in an emergency situation.
Buy junk silver in a bag to use. These are typically old coins.
If you have a skill you can use to barter that is a plus. Be sure to have the supplies you need to do it. Hone up on that skill now. If you don't have a skill stock up on bottled liquor, cigarettes or other items people will need over time if grocery stores are depleted. Anything from tampons, toilet paper to bandaids and other medical supplies
Don't forget to have a well stocked medical kit. And extra meds in reserve.
And have plenty of reading material around to help pass time.
If you get a vacuum-sealer you can re-portion your large cans of dehydrated food into smaller amounts, throw in oxygen absorbing packs and you'll be good to go for years. We dehydrated some of our vegetable and herbs harvest and bought others to make mixes of 4, 6, 8 portions.
Make sure everyone you care about knows The Plan™️ if communications go down. Where to meet, what to bring, etc. You don’t want to go looking for people if society is breaking down.
Guns and ammo so you can pillage everything else
Well that's dumb. Taking crap processed food from normies helps you not at all, which leaves taking from the awakened, who are probably ready to defend from panicked normies, which you will look like when trying to raid. Self-solving problem perhaps, but now you've maybe hurt them and at minimum made them waste their ammo. Not cool.
Ultimate survival food - Pemmican
The early exploration of this continent depended on Pemmican. It was the go-to meal for trappers, and all manner of explorers and indians while on the road. Prepared properly it will last for years. I read somewhere that pemmican 100 years old was found and still in perfect condition. It can be sunk to the bottom of a river, and will not be compromised.
I've never made it but I understand it to be made by taking lean strips of beef, *cow, buffalo, deer, bear, moose etc" cooking until all moisture is out of meat, power it up, then add tallow, or lard. Mix it to form a inch or so think sheet, and cut into square cakes. Wrap in something, does not have to be airtight.
Alcohol is always in more demand during a depression. Plus you can use it as fuel.