For what its worth, we knew it was all a troll even when it first happened.
These kind of trolling is really bad - it actually ends up normalizing this sh*t in minds of lefties. Thats how the wokeness spread initially. It was normalized by the British guy (sorry dont remember the name) who wrote the woke handbook.
Lol this guy is a legend. Based shop teacher says fuck that leftist BS. They threaten his job. So he switches genders and becomes a caricature mocking them, effectively putting them between a rock and a hard place. Now if they fire him, he can drop a lawsuit on their asses for discrimination.
He said from the beginning it was in response to riduculous policies he didnt agree with so fine; play by tgose rules heres what you get. It was a brilliant play that brought attention to the grooming crisis in our schools. A+
First of all, it drives me NUTS that the article on daily mail is calling him a "her". Second, he's a man. Third.... he's a man. I mean, he went way overboard to keep his job, however I have to give him props for now being a man again at his new job. They can't fire him now. Maybe they will when the attention blows over. I wonder what he'll say when someone finally pins him down and interviews him?
daily mail exposed as nuts by still referring to him as a her. I hate the daily mail, as it seems to be nothing more than a gossip rag. what is with all the links on the right side?
Didn't we all know that?
I appreciated it on an entirely facetious plane
Dudes brilliant... and for what it's worth, this is the only way they learn.
Yeah, I knew the scoop from right here on GW.
He has been competing with Trump for the title of World's Greatest Troll. A tough competition.
For what its worth, we knew it was all a troll even when it first happened.
These kind of trolling is really bad - it actually ends up normalizing this sh*t in minds of lefties. Thats how the wokeness spread initially. It was normalized by the British guy (sorry dont remember the name) who wrote the woke handbook.
Lol this guy is a legend. Based shop teacher says fuck that leftist BS. They threaten his job. So he switches genders and becomes a caricature mocking them, effectively putting them between a rock and a hard place. Now if they fire him, he can drop a lawsuit on their asses for discrimination.
No kidding! What a twist though lololol thanks for the input
or.. maybe he was actually enacting a psy-op:
a) Get caricature of radical ideology into the news (something they would be hypocrites to go against).
b) Use a bunch of online accounts to create wide awareness to caricature.
c) Watch it hit the radical ideology like a ton of bricks and show how foolish it is.
d) Ride it out for serious impact.
e) end the psyop with head-kick of identifying as male again - easy exit and more damage to the ideology.
f) future... come back and admit it was all a psy-op and did massive damage/take credit?
You got it lock,stock and barrel. He was Master Trolling them big time.
He beat them at their own game!
He was apparently super based before and got admonished for it so he did the best troll possible in response.
^^ this
Of course hes trolling. When did anyone not know that? The 2 big Z's make that apparent. He was mocking them.
I was yesterday years old. There were so many people that thought that dude was completely serious too so I dont feel AS stupid lol
He said from the beginning it was in response to riduculous policies he didnt agree with so fine; play by tgose rules heres what you get. It was a brilliant play that brought attention to the grooming crisis in our schools. A+
First of all, it drives me NUTS that the article on daily mail is calling him a "her". Second, he's a man. Third.... he's a man. I mean, he went way overboard to keep his job, however I have to give him props for now being a man again at his new job. They can't fire him now. Maybe they will when the attention blows over. I wonder what he'll say when someone finally pins him down and interviews him?
daily mail exposed as nuts by still referring to him as a her. I hate the daily mail, as it seems to be nothing more than a gossip rag. what is with all the links on the right side?
That reminds me of the motorboating accident where I lost all my stuff...
Did you try to man the poopdeck?
Hopefully it's comms for the end of the Zzzz psyops. Think about it. Why "Z" cups? Who provided the size data?
Is there anything bigger than z-cups? Or is it a catch-all for ridiculous sizes?
Why limit your thinking to just one tiny alphabet? Always try think bigger.
I hope they took this on an inservice day. No teacher should wear shorts in front of students, especially in the shop!
by their own logic he did nothing wrong. Back then he just felt like a z-cupper, now he's discovering his real ID
He may have learned the hard way - those things are always fun until someone loses an eye! LOL
One day just says "may back hurts" and takes the tits off smh. Clowns.
" THANK GOD" - for atheist !!! ( I think ? NO - This SHIT is just wrong. ) Friggin weirdooooo . . . .
He was initially censured for saying stuff about trans that the system didn't like, so he decided to fuck with them.