What Progressives are really saying to each other
I caught a long FB thread of progressives & former progressives that are trashing their icons such as Cornell West. Chomsky, Bernie Sanders & AOC for being war mongers, for being apologists for the vaccine & for Biden & yes for not saying that Biden is worst than Trump. This is them arguing with each other. - We are winning this!
I will dump the long thread in the 1st comment & continue in comments off of that if I need to. It started as a critique of Jimmy Dore - Although most don't agree with that critique
Dore points out the corruption of Biden and the Democrats. Democrat Think Tanks push out the message that Dore's message is a "grift". Trump is lying. Biden is lying. Making promise/statements based on lies, for personal benefit is the definition of griftting. If this is too complicated to understand, I can't help that.
Why,is that for challenging Dr.West on is support of vaccines mandates
1d I suggest you all cozy up with this gem. May be a graphic of text that says '6:11 X 38% Evil Geniuses kurtandersen.com KURT AnDeRSen Menu EVIL GENIUSES The Unmaking America KURT ANDERSEN Order the Book Amazon'
1d DORE is A grifter and has been now for at least 6 years
1d Dude 80 percent of his audience are GOP White Neo-nazi and the like Most of his patrons same thing. he spreads lies and is a misogynistic bigoted pro war as long as it is NOT America anti-science anti-vax trump loving ass kisser. THAT CUMMMS when those he can get on his show says they are against M4A and it can be fixed though the Free market.
Then why does he keep taking $$$ from CIPAC? And why did he do a 180 on almost everything once he started getting that $$$? Y'all are so far in denial it would be hilarious if it wasn't such a threat.
1d her source for that is Bellingcat 🤣
17h yeah it sure is. She posted it somewhere else in this thread
15h What you just posted is the most egregious spreading of lies I’ve seen in a while. Good thing you don’t have a significant audience to see them.
Jimmy Dore is a comic. He doesn't understand that an interview is suppose to be a dialog in which the host asks questions and allows the guest to express their views. Dore is more interested in expressing his own views as was evident by his consuming 9.5 minutes with 2 monologues, (6 minutes on Cop City, and 3.5 minutes on COVID). Did anyone else notice that the thumbnail image shows Dr. West speaking with "Biden is better than Trump" in quotes? The image implies that West said "Biden is better than Trump", but West never said that. Dore said that he was "trying to help" Dr West hone his message, but Dore's actions during the interview and the 4 thumbnails on Dore's website looks more like Dore is running a smear campaign for the DNC. Notice the tag line: Cornel West does 45 minute commercial FOR JOE BIDEN! Jimmy Dore has no credibility. May be an image of 3 people, the Oval Office and text that says '"BIDENS BETTER THAN TRUMP" JIMMY DORE Skew Cornel West Does 45 Minute Commercial FOR JOE BIDEN!'
1d He sold his credibility.
1d What baffles me that virtually all JD fans talk about "truth" and "critical thinking", yet they can't see that Dore is distorting the truth. This thumbnail states that Dr West said "Biden is better than Trump", but he never said that. The funny thing is, I don't watch JD. I only watched this interview to hear what Dr West had to say. What I found is that Jimmy Dore has no credibility as a journalist or a "leftist". Dore is "interviewing" candidates, not to help the candidate get their message out, but to boost his own ratings*. *Ratings on the internet are measured by the number of followers / subscribers a person has and by the number of view a person's videos have.
The Southern Strategy is the ultimate "identity politics." Racism opened the way for the destruction of unions as the entire South defected to the Republican Party after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. Dore keeps screaming about "identity politics" as though it's somehow worse than where it originated from. Dore lost my respect when he promoted an anti-vax trucker convoy organized by right wing groups that had Nazis in attendance. Dore's class reductionism ignores how many a working class person will choose religious zealotry, social status, and racial angst over their own economic benefits.
Oh my, truth butt hurt ya eh? Sorry, no wait. Not.
1d Once again, why?
1d Uh-oh. You insulted the brave Saint Jimmy. Now you’ll incur the wrath of all his leftist incel followers. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1d They're not leftists. They're part of the gray area where the left meets the right. They've just been brainwashed to believe they're left. They're not. They're exponentially closer to Alex Jones than anyone on the left.
1d leftists don’t suck the corporate government teat like you and Nicholas do
22h easily manipulated people like you are why we’re gonna go extinct
22h You think vaccinations are the US #1 problem? You think racism is identity politics?
21h I think mandating a medical experiment on everyone from a corrupt institution known for lying and killing people is a huge problem. I think tying every problem to white supremacy and that that is the main problem is identity politics. It’s the same crap the democrats do. Their leader is a known bigot. One that took systemic racism to a whole mother level. Their play on the words are identity politics and it is especially tailored to drive a wedge between working class people. Not that racism isn’t an issue, but the democrats don’t want to fix it and relying on calling all white people evil is a dumb strategy and not one that is going to bring working class together to beat the oligarchs.
18h nah you’re the easily manipulated fool. Self hatred ain’t a way to go forward. Wake the fuck up or shut the fuck up
18h I’m not a fan of any politicians or online political figures anymore, YOU wake the fuck up, you’re getting used by this fool. Obvious grifter is obvious.
18h nah you are. You use the same bs the democrats do. You suck up their narratives. How exactly is he “using me” when I’m not donating to him and he’s not vying for my vote? He’s just been right more often then not and he’s right here. You don’t build working class cohesion by relying on the divide and conquer strategy the democrats do. How far you think a worker strike would go if you held the absurd standards that you can only participate in it if you agree white people are evil and that lgtbq issues are forefront? You gonna ostracize over half the people there and you won’t have a strike. You gotta focus on working class and poor class issues. Fixate on that. Be inclusive not divisive. That’s where I think West is going wrong. That’s what Jimmy was telling him. It’s pretty basic. Divided we fail. United we win.
18h I’m not reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened 🤣🤣🤣😜🤪 eat 💩🖕 Best Besties GIF
18h Do you know the history of vaccination?? It isn't ugly. Suddenly it is? Those corporations want MONEY and POWER, not a lot of dead wage slaves.
Did ... did he call out shitlib trash again?
1d If you think Dore's more left than West you're nuts. Vaccinations are our #1 issue????
21h No, baby girl. Cornel West bombed on vaccines. Outed himself as shitlib garbage. Downplaying the harm of lockdowns and mandates? No thanks.
The cuck thread right here. You bring up JD every time he actually does something decent. I'm not a JD fan I'm the exftv for his lack of consequences
1d 'Domain registration data shows that AIPAC and the Serena Shim Award websites are hosted on the same IP address Among those winners is Jimmy Dore, a comedian turned political commentator who was employed by The Young Turks, a progressive video outlet, until April 2019. According to an IRS filing, however, Dore actually began receiving money from the association behind the Serena Shim Award in 2017, receiving $2,500 for what the latter described as “human rights media.” That same year, Dore would argue that a chemical weapons attack on the opposition-held town of Khan Sheikhun was likely a “false flag,” the bodies of dead children having been planted, perhaps, by extremists (the United Nations has confirmed that the Syrian government, the only party to the conflict known to possess the Sarin and an air force, was responsible).' https://www.bellingcat.com/.../pro-assad-lobby-group.../ Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat BELLINGCAT.COM Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat
1d bellingcat, the cia and bbc government mouthpiece? 🤣
May be a black-and-white image of 1 person and text that says 'Tenderness is what Love feels like in private. Justice is what Love looks like in public. -Cornel West'
1d https://youtu.be/RlvfcFQpsBI?si=5Fp3o2OiZTukP_tH Cornel West Has ZERO Populist Message YOUTUBE.COM Cornel West Has ZERO Populist Message Cornel West Has ZERO Populist Message
1d I am watching the Grayzone. Max Blumenthal weighs in on the Dore/West issue at the 135 mark of this fascinating discussion with Aaron Mate. I think he will have a lot more to say on this issue soon. https://www.youtube.com/live/LXJf8f9N-lA?si=mh4b4rV4oT-KhyGx Defamation League - The Grayzone live YOUTUBE.COM Defamation League - The Grayzone live Defamation League - The Grayzone live
1d What'd he do now?
1d There was actually a time when I liked him. That was a long time ago.
1d He lost his god damn mind. After what he did to Anna I was done with him. He went full blown right wing.
1d That's about when he started taking the funds I posted above. He did a 180 after he started getting funds from CIPAC.
Always look for "who" is funding them.
1d Exactly!
1d who do you think is funding Jimmy?
1d who funds Jimmy Dore? You seem to have that info. Can you provide sources? Could be his more than million subscribers like me. And the fact that he makes a living as a comedian.
her infor is from bellingcat. A cia and government funded mouthpiece. The piece she links to cleary lies about what Mate and Dore claim. They don’t even understand the definition of a false flag
How many of his videos do you watch? Which ones have made you angry? Give examples of what you mean.
1d How many of his videos do you watch? I don't think I've ever watched an entire video of his before. But I watched this one start to finish twice. I watched this because I'm interested in hearing what Cornel West has to say. Given that I strongly disagree with many policies of the Red and Blue parties, but I feel that it's better to vote than not vote, I need to find an alternative candidate. If you go to Jimmy Dore's webpage and watch the video behind the image I posted, you'll find that Dr West never said the quote that's on the image. Objective analysis reveals that the message on the image conflicts with multiple messages in the video. Given that Biden is unfavorable among Green voters, the false statement on the thumbnail is likely to be more damaging to Dr West than any accurate quote from the video. Far more people will see that thumbnail than watch the whole video. And many that watch the whole video won't listen carefully enough to realize that the image is fiction. It's a shame that every medium of journalism is full of misinformation. Of course, Jimmy Dore isn't actually a journalist. He's a comic that's doing a great impersonation of mainstream media's misrepresentation of information. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I'm an American, and honorably discharged US Marine. I believe every American voter is entitled to 1 equal vote to cast as they see fit. I'm troubled that many Americans claim to believe in democracy, but look down on other voters for "not voting right!" "You're not voting right!" "If you don't vote for the color of my bumper sticker, you're a fucking cunt that's destroying our country!" May be an image of 3 people, the Oval Office and text that says 'JIMMY ש DORE Show "BIDENIS BETTER THAN TRUMP Cornel West Does 45 Minute Commercial FOR JOE BIDEN!'
21h West literally said that trump is full blown fascist and Biden just has aspects of it. That’s literally saying that Biden is better when in actuality Biden has had way more time and done way more damage than trump I loved west. I still might vote for him if he can adopt better strategy. The way he
I loved west. I still might vote for him if he can adopt better strategy. The way he’s going now ain’t gonna cut it.
17h you certainly understand that quotation marks are used to delineate a verbatim phrase taken from a prior statement right? West literally never said "Biden is better than Trump". He may have implied, or insinuated, but he literally never said it.
12h which thumbnail are you referring to? The "Biden is better than Trump"? In Dr. West's comparative explanation, he most certainly said that. Not the exact words, but the meaning was the same. He acts like Trump is a horrible Fascist but can't see that Biden's actions over the last 3 years are actually Fascist. Biden is clearly a corporatist. Biden has authorized censorship of the media and the internet which is a direct assault on the First Amendment. Biden does as little as possible for the poor and working classes in this country while sending BILLIONS to Ukraine. Biden kicked 30 million Americans off of SNAP and 24 million off of Medicaid while supporting Ukrainian refugees in the U.S with Social Security, SNAP, Medicaid TANF and other benefits. He literally broke a railworker strike. He could end the proxy war in Ukraine and strive for peace, but does not. He is an interventionist. An imperialist. But Dr. West is everyone's brother. He's a Democrat lite.
1d I told you that years ago and you told me I was nuts!
1d Sabby/Dore in 24
23h Yup - total FAILED leftist turned desperate rightwing sellout #MAGAt trash and has been since 2021. 💯 https://www.youtube.com/live/iFE7E9HQD2k?si=7eyrI3CQAxEw9EaG The Leftist Mafia Ep.40 YOUTUBE.COM The Leftist Mafia Ep.40 The Leftist Mafia Ep.40
23h aww, another shitlib telling us to vote for fascist pervert Joe Biden in 2024. How sweet.
21h lol… F🖕🏼CK #DementiaJoe just as much as rightwing #MAGAt cuck Jimmy #DorestGump. I’ll DEFINITELY vote for Dr. Cornel West now though since he curb stomped BOTH pervert loser creeps Nick Brana and #DipshitDore from the PEEple’s Potty. 😆 Unless another progressive jumps in he’s got my vote because I’m in California - but if I were in a purple or swing state I’d be smart enough to vote for the gum stuck on my shoe against a terrorist traitor failed fascist PO💩 soon-to-be-convicted felon like McDonald Tramp. 🙄 🫵 #DipshitDoreknob poser wannabe “rebels” 🤣 couldn’t elect a turd to a toilet even if it’s name is Jimmy Dore. 😂 This is 🫵 butthurt crybabies right now… Bill Hader Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live
oh no another Hillary boy talks. No one wants to hear the stupid shit you have to say
17h You are another Jimmy #DorestGump antivax pu$$y Qonspiracy 🤡 scared of needles 😫 and intelligence that Dr. Cornel West would 💩 on if he were worth the toilet paper. Will Ferrell Lol GIF
who you calling a kitty cat there boy? Aren’t you the one lining up for an experimental shot from a company ok with a proven track record of lying and killing people for a disease with less than .5% fatality rate? Talk about scared. Your whole life is about living in fear.
17h aren’t you the one that’s been vaccinated from the same companies since birth against viruses dip💩? Doesn’t .5% of 330 Million = over half a million people that don’t need to get sick or die if there’s a form of protection or prevention, doofus? Your toilet internet research isn’t worth the toilet water it floats in. 😆
tell me dipshit were those vaccines rushed through without proper testing? Were those vaccines experimental mRNA vaccines? If you can’t even understand the differences between vaccines you’re not worth talking to. And those 99.5% of people that survived without the vaccine? Why mandate them? That is if you care more about people than profits of some nazi corporation. Which you clearly don’t. There are other forms of protection and treatments people can do that are effective but stupid phucks like you just go with the corporate narrative that only vaccines are the answer. My research is better than yours.. yours amounts to turning on the tv and parroting whatever Pfizer tells you You get your special Pfizer badge yet or do you carry their water for free? GIF may contain abell46s, reface, policia, police, doofy and Scary Movie
https://youtu.be/IqBj-gS0nKc?si=xJNOqt-E8qi7P8fI Jimmy Dore ADDRESSES Questions About Cornel West Interview YOUTUBE.COM Jimmy Dore ADDRESSES Questions About Cornel West Interview Jimmy Dore ADDRESSES Questions About Cornel West Interview
22h I liked him but he even crossed my line recently. If he had any integrity he'd be running off his idiot Trump supporter listeners instead of tailoring his show around trying to please and attract them.
16h told ya so years ago ,,jimmysucks
12h Is the mainstream media despicable? Is "despicable" the new HRC "deplorable"?
8h When folks get THIS TRIGGERED by Jimmy Dore… It just tells me he must be doing something right 💪🏽 May be an image of 4 people
4h Can't stand him!
3h Jimmy Dorons be like, you said 4 words of criticism about the bloviating clown I simp for — that’s makes you triggered which means he must be right somehow I can’t rationally articulate. LULZ
2h I heard him once or twice several years ago his voice was so irritating that I never really heard what he said in the