Everything in this Operation has been happening in a very systematic and orderly fashion. If you want to come up with a fundamental rule - Rule #0 in Q Operation - it would be:
WHs do not openly take more control than necessary, publicly, at each point of this operation
With this in mind, lets look at the make up of the Senate and House, since Trump came to power:
Senate House
2017-2019 R R
2019-2021 R D
2021-2023 D D
2023-2025 D R
If you write it in the notation of who controls Senate and House in each period, you get the sequence: RR, RD, DD, DR
There are two incredible things about it.
First: the sequence is unique, and it goes through all combinations. Mathematical probability of this happening by chance is 1 in 256.
Second: What is the next in this sequence? What can we expect in 2024, assuming this sequence holds? Why of course RR. As in, control of both House and Senate again, in 2024. Exciting right?
But is it all random though? What purpose would this serve other than creating a fancy sequence? I would argue that, if we apply the Rule #0 from above, this sequence shows different phases in this Operation, where different amount of public control was necessary. Lets look at each one in a bit more details:
When Trump came in, he was walking into the den of snakes. Arguably, this was the most vulnerable part of the Operation and he needed all the support he could get. So it makes sense that right off the bat we had both the House and the Senate.
This is when the Cabal realized they needed to counter Trump in all possible ways. Especially impeachment. If you want to let them proceed as far as they can in impeaching, but still keep the presidency safe, what do you require? Senate.
Q Post 2548 - right after 2018 midterms, Q explains this in more detail and ends with:
This is juicy. Start of the devolution. The white hats are out of power and the Cabal puppets can do whatever they want. How do you make your enemy think they are in control? Thats right - you give them all the levers - Not only just presidency, but also Senate and House.
This is like the warrior throwing away all the weapons and standing with bare arms, egging the villains to attack him one last time.
This is also the indication that this was the least risky part of the operation!
The operation is ending, and disclosure is starting. Twitter take down, MSM taking their last breaths, trolling everywhere, openly. But whats the official channel for disclosure, to the people, more than anything else? Whats the public face of this information warfare? Think about Pelosi and Jan 6th committee: House Committees !!
We have been watching the disclosures in the House and the whistleblowers all year long, and thats why we need the House.
So what does it mean in 2024 elections? What comes next?
We will be taking control of both the House and the Senate, completely, as this Operation ends, and we bring the world back from the precipice.
House is secure - one vote and McCarthy will be gone, and Trump can become the speaker (if necessary).
But Senate? If we take control of Senate, and Mitch is in the captain's seat - thats no fun.
If you reached this far, and not laughing with glee, its probably because you stuffed your mouth with popcorn. But yeah, fun times ahead. Mitch is glitching for a reason, because we are getting ready for the landing.
And with that, enjoy the latest GIF: u/# MitchGlitch
(without the space)
Masterful. Simply, eloquently masterful thinking, BB.
This resonates with a few other frameworks I've been adopting this year. It speaks directly to a few different things.
One, the primary cause of consternation and emotional turmoil among the patriotic Great Awakening community (meaning the wider GA community, not the narrow 'GAW' community) has been and continues to be the difficulties that pedes experience in interpreting the events and turns/twists in a logical, sensible manner that accounts effectively for:
Patriots 'being in control'
Ups and downs, apparent 'losses'
Ups and downs, apparent 'wins'
Events and situations that appear to be both undesirable and avoidable
Difficulties and sufferings of the wider society (both in the US and around the world) that result from the aforementioned events and situations
In other words, in the absence of a logical, reasonable, evidence-based understanding of what has been going on the past 8 years, those who are awake to some extent to the corruption and existence of the Cabal, are frequently subject to waves of negative feelings that ride in on a negative view of things (promoted via propaganda or self-generated).
Understandable, and simply one of the challenges of the times we live in. But the antidote is itself Understanding, and this requires having perspectives that put the information, events and situations in a framework that makes sense of them.
The notion that this phase (2023 - 2025) requires White hats having the House but not the Senate is a really important one, more than most pedes consider I suspect.
If the Republicans (who as a whole are still under the control of team DJT, despite the fact that the RINOs are still being flushed out) controlled the senate, it would be extremely difficult to avoid impeaching (H) and convicting (S) Joe Bideninsky. Removing Biden too early would be disastrous, as the devolution phase (controlled implosion phase) could easily be imperiled.
Despite the apparent suffering it seems to be causing, Joe Biden Crime Family Patriarch in the white house is one of the most enduring red pills that has been bringing middle America to the awareness that things are really, really screwed up (how screwed up they were, long before Biden, was far from obvious except to a very small minority).
Regardless of all theories about WHY/WHO/WHAT the Resident in the White House is, the net effect of his 'administration' is at worse this massive red pill, and more than likely a key part of the controlled demolition phase under COG, wherein the Cabal fiat currency system that controlled the world and the infrastructures that supported it are being demolished.
The idea that handing all the weapons over the the enemy - W.House, House, and Senate indicates that "this was the least risky part of the operation!" is pure Sun Tzu in application.
In conclusion, in my view, this post lays a broad conceptual framework and foundation for developing many ideas and deciphering many of the mysteries anons have been confronted with for the duration. Much can be built on this post.
Postscript: Personally, I see McCarthy as a key placeholder at the time, and believe he is controlled fully by Team DJT. But regardless of the WHY/WHO/WHAT of McCarthy, the fact that he can be challenged with a single vote does make everything a lot more watertight.
Wow, mind boggled. I focused so much on the "minimal amount of control" they need to have, that I forgot that there is also "maximum amount of control".
The fact that if we had both H & S right now, impeachment of Biden would have been inevitable is a very intelligent observation. Indeed, that would beat the purpose of the devolution and everything we have been through.
This kind of digging on top of digging is what I love about this place. Well done fren.
Likewise, fren.
Back in the day, I usually arrived at my best stuff in response to brilliant and insightful posts launched by others. By which I mean, inspiration begets inspiration.
Sir Isaac Newfrog: If I can meme more potently, it's because I stand on the shoulders of toads.