The Fake News really REALLY wants you to know that Ray Epps was the subject of cOnSpiRaCy tHeOriEs, as though this slap on the wrist charge disproves them. If anything, it strengthens the suspicions about Epps.
And isn’t it amazing how every single outlet is pushing an identical narrative?

The rabid DOJ lawyers and the rabid DC Judges mercilessly over-charge and over-sentence anyone involved in the "insurrection". We know they don't care about Ray Epps being a marine. They charged 80 military vets. We know they don't care about his age because they charged an 81 year old. He was supposedly an Oathkeeper, and boy did they go after those guys! So what exactly would make these rabid dogs stand down when faced with a person who clearly gave instructions and incitement to enter the capitol building? It should be obvious, but I'll just say it - HE'S ON THEIR FUCKING TEAM