Has she resumed her duties?
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Thanks. It's rather odd that all the top pols were out of state when their potus came to town. I can't find anything about Hobbs being back since mid morning today. Wish someone knew or, some reporters would actually report. Thanks.
That is a good question as to why the three of them were conveniently unavailable to greet him and stand by him for his 12 minute presentation. Hmmm.
Particulary since he is from their party. It would be weird even for a repub pres, but for a dem? Fishy.
I just found this: "Hobbs was in Washington, D.C., Wednesday after a weeklong trip to meet with political and business leaders in Taiwan."
WTH does Hobbs have to do with Taiwan? Isn't she stepping out of her lane, here?
What reason did Tom Bradley, Mayor of L.A. have to travel to Japan? He made a trip like every 6 wks? Found out it was LA’s “Sister City”. He also got a nice cushy seat on a Japanese company’s board of directors immediately after leaving office!
I believe any contrivance that got her and her ilk out of AZ is just an excuse so she could avoid Biden. No wonder. She is a real piece of work , herself. The expose of what all she facilitates for commies and cartels was just mind boggling. Sad my state's government is wholly compromised.
They all do that. Congresspeople and governors are elected to serve their relatively small populace, yet they traipse around the world (on our dime) as though they represent the whole country. Think, Pelosi in China and many other examples. It makes me sick. Thank God people are starting to get a clue.