There's a shortage on Adderall that's been going on. He also said they recently got an email that benzodiazepines (pills people take for anxiety) is coming next. He said he is starting to have his patients ween off the them because there can be horrible withdrawals with those drugs, you can even die if you stop cold turkey, just like alcohol. I was asking what is going on and he didn't know but he thinks there will be shortages coming on other medications too.
Don't know what is going on behind the scenes with big pharma but I would start preparing to be without a medication if you take any... horde up some just in case or ween off drugs that have withdrawal symptoms if you can. The precipice is coming and it won't be fun.
I'm saying that the causes of mental illness are known. These "prominent" psychiatrists are gatekeepers because real scientists like Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfieffer, William Walsh, and others have come up with plenty of lab tests that correlate highly to specific mental illnesses. I challenge that there are no lab tests because there are and they give so much more relief to someone suffering because you can point to a very low value of Vitamin D, GABA, zinc, etc. and say that's my problem, not that I'm defective in my soul. The amount of human misery that could be remedied by proper testing and inexpensive treatment would change the world! Yes, our food supply is deficient in minerals and especially trace minerals and has been for almost 100 years. I think a lot of low level anxiety disorders are from that combined with toxins. But history shows us that some people have inborn genetic problems that cause serious mental breakdowns like schizophrenia. Abram Hoffer called it the "adrenochrome hypothesis" where the person's metabolism could not break down adrenochrome, a intermediate metabolite of adrenaline. Adrenochrome is hallucinogenic, which explains the schizophrenic's symptoms.
I'm calling BS on mainstream psychiatrists saying there are no ways to figure out what is going on with a person's brain chemistry when there are literally housewives all over the United States coming up with test protocols for their own kids out of their own pockets. These doctors are "baffled" like other doctors are "baffled" with all the SADS. If the psychiatry profession were to be biochemistry focused, they would have some credibility. Being questionnaire takers puts them on the same level as those Cosmo quiz writers in my mind. But there are doctors out there working in the fringes doing the testing and getting people well! The goal should be to get people off meds, or onto the lowest dose necessary.
There's a great new book out there called the Autism Industrial Complex where the writer documents how they are using the questionnaire system to get as many people diagnosed as possible and venture capitalists have set up a money making industry with ABA clinics and peripheral therapy clinics to mop up the insurance money. Just like when anyone woke up with a sore neck in the 1950s, it got put down as polio to justify the new vax. The newly diagnosed are the commodity that makes money for this artificial system.
It seems you are now agreeing with me. This is a far cry from starting out your response by saying, "This is bullshit". It appears you may have mistakenly thought this was my OpEd on the field of psychiatry and mental diseases. It wasn't. I was using the professions own highly reputed figures to expose the profession. It is not based on science. As Dr. Barkely stated:
That logic is no logic at all. That science is no science at all. Psychiatry is NOT science.
Perhaps, your response of "Bullshit" was an impulsive reaction until you read my missive more thoroughly. I don't know. You never explained your reasoning, to which I inquired about. It appears to me, your responses are now more in line with what I was saying all along. The best example, to which the world now plainly sees, is that SADS is a fraud. Or is it? There's no doubt it occurs, but not for it's advertised mystical reason..... It's more dragons.... The SADS example follows the same pattern of being concocted, named, labeled, and categorized as a new disease. We can agree that there are no definitive laboratory tests, no biological markers, no saliva tests, no brain scans, no genetic assays, nothing for SADS..... and it exposes SIDS too. That's because it's concocted. In this case, it's to cover up the deadly adverse effects from vax☠xinations. I provided the scurvy example, which was so-called because of the skin condition... a symptom of the disease. In modern times, scurvy occurs most commonly in people with mental disorders, unusual eating habits, alcoholism, and older people who live alone.[2]. Do psychiatrists prescribe vitamin C for these mental disorders? I bet they don't because they're treating only the symptoms of the mental disorder.
If you want a cure, psychiatry is not the answer.