‘I grew up!’ Ex-Extinction Rebellion activist ditches group
A good insight into the EcoCult, how kids get into it, how to get them out of it.
They're brainwashed at high school to be vulnerable to further propaganda:
... when I went up to secondary school, the first thing you get taught about after basic biology is is climate change.
Why join something like Extinction Rebellion? A need to do something "meaningful" with one's life (basically, a religion substitute)"
... I think young people are impressionable. And the older activists in these these groups know this and are frankly praying upon it, that the young people's need to contribute to society. ... And so what bigger project to push back against than the death of the entire world?
Why stay? Cult-like peer pressure:
... if you challenge the ideas of climate change and the extent to which it's anthropomorphic, i.e. caused by humans, you're denounced as a climate denier and you know, shunned from from the student community ...
It's a gateway drug to leftism:
... you can't, you know, be an eco warrior without also believing in gender ideology without ascribing to critical race theory, this kind of thing. ...
How you get out: Contact with reality:
... I grew up, started paying taxes. But yeah, I got taught the other side of Marxism, which is not the utopia but the death in the millions, and thought, huh, what else am I being lied to about? ...
love&light Welcome to the real world!