posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +64 / -0

Switzerland plans to BAN electric cars from the roads and order games consoles turned off during power shortages in a bid to reduce energy consumption


... Switzerland fears an energy shortage in the coming months because it is highly dependent on imports to get it through winter. ...

More likely part of the Davos Clique's plan for total citizen control. But forget the energy part: think about how people will react to such measures.

The Awake will know it's bullshit and will will defy the authorities. But there are enough young people with "eco-anxiety" who will be fully on board with it.

Net result: hightened emotions and social tension, getting people to argue and fight amongst themselves.

Demons feed on negative emotions and they are gorging themselves and will gorge themselves even more, inciting yet more hostility and even violence in a downwards spiral... And don't forget Switzerland was where they had that Satanic ceremony for the opening of a railway tunnel a few years back: https://thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/satanic-switzerland-new-tunnel-opens-with-bizarre-occult-like-ceremony/

The need to turn to God has never been greater than today. This is MORE of a spiritual battle than a political one.