Rep. Jim Jordan
Rockets are raining down on Israeli towns right now.
We need to immediately help replenish Israel’s stockpile of Iron Dome missiles to protect more innocent civilians from getting killed.
Let’s make sure Congress can unite and assure Israel has what it needs to destroy Hamas.
10:55 AM · Oct 8, 2023
What Law or part of the US. Constitution includes the defense of Any Other Country? The US. IS BEING Invaded by an Army of Illegal aliens Every day, and THIS is what Congress is spending Your money on?
This is upsetting a lot anons that support Jordan, is this in the movie scrip?
I wonder if this is exposing more traitors. The last bit deepnin the web.
Will any WHs be left?
Not sayin jj is a traitor, could just be trying to rush the vote to get them to vote for sending weapons. Use their panic against them.
I do Not support ANY country or religion over the The US, Constitution and NO ONE else should. The Idea of The separation of church at state in our Constitution IS, the exact opposite of WHY the wars in these MORON states of israel and iran are always at war. DO YOU see that?
Regardless of script, Jordan is indeed pissing me off to no end with this.
Defensive pacts are important, but that only works if you weren't sending like hundreds of billions of dollars and special forces to a country that wasn't allied in the first place.
We ain't got shit to give our allies and while that may be a problem on the global stage, so is fighting wars that have no direct relevance to our safety or economic livelihood.
For 300 billion dollars they built a sophisticated defense system that failed to stop rednecks in pickup trucks. I fail to see how more money will fix that.