Are you going with a group or by your self? The Peru stuff looks way out there...the whole discussion of portals and star gates is interesting...not sure what to think...haven't done a great deal of study but they certainly seem to exist.
Wow...sounds like quite the adventure. Been to Europe but never S. America...or even Central ties you down a bit to raise 5 kids...haha...hopefully you speak Spanish... are quite the seem so meek and must be incognito on GAW...I really am impressed...does your better half tag along?
Are you going with a group or by your self? The Peru stuff looks way out there...the whole discussion of portals and star gates is interesting...not sure what to think...haven't done a great deal of study but they certainly seem to exist.
You can guess right? Not the group type.
Wow...sounds like quite the adventure. Been to Europe but never S. America...or even Central ties you down a bit to raise 5 kids...haha...hopefully you speak Spanish...
No. I don't. I will hired guides. I did that during Egypt also. I traveled as an independent and then hired guides. are quite the seem so meek and must be incognito on GAW...I really am impressed...does your better half tag along?