How about this, if you admit you are incompetent to provide public service and never step back into the ring, we will let you go in peace to sin no more. Anyone you harmed gets to seek relief at your expense. You May want to try another country. Men are done tolerating you whiny simps. Real men take responsibility and don't make excuses. I knew less than you and made the right choices. This place likely saved lives knowing half what you virtue signaling slobs knew.
How about this, if you admit you are incompetent to provide public service and never step back into the ring, we will let you go in peace to sin no more. Anyone you harmed gets to seek relief at your expense. You May want to try another country. Men are done tolerating you whiny simps. Real men take responsibility and don't make excuses. I knew less than you and made the right choices. This place likely saved lives knowing half what you virtue signaling slobs knew.