241 CNN Mistakenly Filmed Woman Stuffing A Ballot Box With Multiple Ballots – The Reporter’s Reaction Says It All (Video) (www.rightjournalism.com) 👮🏻RIGGERS!👮🏻 posted 1 year ago by conservativeamerica 1 year ago by conservativeamerica +243 / -2 CNN Mistakenly Filmed Woman Stuffing A Ballot Box With Multiple Ballots - The Reporter's Reaction Says It All (Video) – Right Jo... A state judge has taken the unusual step of ordering a new Democratic mayoral primary in Connecticut’s largest city to 23 comments share 23 comments share save hide report block hide replies
If this was just by chance, imagine how many times it happened when no one was looking.
The real question is, why did she feel secure enough to stuff votes right in front of a network cameraman? No fear.
They went on to call it the most safe and secure election in history.
And if you have any questions, you are a dangerous threat to democracy.
The audacity! From the brief show her eyes, she wasn't too pleased but continued on, nevertheless
Well you are a threat to democracy cause you know that is not what we have