By all indications, Kainpour is NOT a professor. He is a graduate student and a PHD candidate. UCB might or might not be funded by WEF in small part of large, but there appears to be no viable easily found evidence that this is the case. Calling Kainpour a "WEF Professor" seems like bullsh*te intended to rankle your reactions and trigger you for clicks.
I found 3 authors listed with WEF who are faculty at UCB. Ifound a handful of people who graduated UCB who have connections with the WEF in some way, and a number of UCB pages and projects reference publications, etc, by the WEF.
But I can find no actual evidence that WEF funds UCB, whether via small grants or large support.
GIST: I don't really know how noteworthy this story is.
The WEF Professor lines appears to have no basis in any sort of fact, and seems to have been used simply for GRAB factor (aka clickbait type headline).
Facts show he is not a professor (at UCB or anywhere), he is some random PHD candidate graduate student.
There appears to be no evidence that he is connected with the WEF in any way, such that the title "WEF Professor" makes any sense or is ground in fact.
There is no direct evidence that the WEF is giving funds, large or small, to University of Colorado Boulder.
(that said, it is likely that WEF minions have infiltrated most major universities in the US and elsewhere, and they may well contribute to the UCB budget, but where is the evidence for this?)
Conclusion: You've been clickbaited.
In my opinion, any article that leads with trigger headlines like WEF blah blah but provides ZERO data and evidence backing up such HEADLINES and pronouncements, is only after one thing. Your clicks. Your reactions. Your blind acceptance.
Note: this PHD student is of so little note. Yes, his ideas are satanic, idiotic and monstrous, but he's a nobody. So why focus any attention on him or this story?
We know these ideas are out there. If not, where have you been the last 15 years? So it's good I guess to raise awareness that these agendas are certainly out there, but this guy himself appears to be a sick university (graduate) student, and not much more.
So if that's Not proof of the clickbait nature of this, that it was published under a different name, at a different website, with eerily similar formatting, color scheme and fonts, etc, as the People Voice, then what is.
Myth Busting....
By all indications, Kainpour is NOT a professor. He is a graduate student and a PHD candidate. UCB might or might not be funded by WEF in small part of large, but there appears to be no viable easily found evidence that this is the case. Calling Kainpour a "WEF Professor" seems like bullsh*te intended to rankle your reactions and trigger you for clicks.
Is University of Colorado Boulder funded by the World Economic forum?
I could not find any information that shows that UCB is 'funded' by the World Economic Forum.
Their operating budget statements do not indicate sources of funding (except for direct state funding).$file/2.%20Boulder.pdf
The WEF website does not list them as a partner. (search for "Colorado" = 0 results)
I found 3 authors listed with WEF who are faculty at UCB. Ifound a handful of people who graduated UCB who have connections with the WEF in some way, and a number of UCB pages and projects reference publications, etc, by the WEF.
But I can find no actual evidence that WEF funds UCB, whether via small grants or large support.
GIST: I don't really know how noteworthy this story is.
The WEF Professor lines appears to have no basis in any sort of fact, and seems to have been used simply for GRAB factor (aka clickbait type headline).
Facts show he is not a professor (at UCB or anywhere), he is some random PHD candidate graduate student.
There appears to be no evidence that he is connected with the WEF in any way, such that the title "WEF Professor" makes any sense or is ground in fact.
There is no direct evidence that the WEF is giving funds, large or small, to University of Colorado Boulder.
(that said, it is likely that WEF minions have infiltrated most major universities in the US and elsewhere, and they may well contribute to the UCB budget, but where is the evidence for this?)
Conclusion: You've been clickbaited.
In my opinion, any article that leads with trigger headlines like WEF blah blah but provides ZERO data and evidence backing up such HEADLINES and pronouncements, is only after one thing. Your clicks. Your reactions. Your blind acceptance.
Note: this PHD student is of so little note. Yes, his ideas are satanic, idiotic and monstrous, but he's a nobody. So why focus any attention on him or this story?
We know these ideas are out there. If not, where have you been the last 15 years? So it's good I guess to raise awareness that these agendas are certainly out there, but this guy himself appears to be a sick university (graduate) student, and not much more.
Addendum: Yep. Further digging
So if that's Not proof of the clickbait nature of this, that it was published under a different name, at a different website, with eerily similar formatting, color scheme and fonts, etc, as the People Voice, then what is.