Name the names, don’t keep it private just like the Epstein list. Without name reveals of the corruption and illegality, it is worthless. And don’t give me the “everyone is innocent until proven guilty” line because we know that doesn’t stop the Left and RINOS from the many accusations against Trump. Why is it that the heads of our government agencies, Big Pharma and business leaders are NEVER named in their corruption. I think we all know why: they are moneyed, influential, part of the “big boy” team crowd, part of the Soros/WEF crowd like Soros, Kerry, Gates, Clinton, Obama, Schwab, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and many others at the top. It is past time they all pay the piper. Look at who is the head of all banking, finance, government agencies, real estate. Look at the ethnicity. They don’t divulge their own corruption, they stick together like the thieves they are.
Name the names, don’t keep it private just like the Epstein list. Without name reveals of the corruption and illegality, it is worthless. And don’t give me the “everyone is innocent until proven guilty” line because we know that doesn’t stop the Left and RINOS from the many accusations against Trump. Why is it that the heads of our government agencies, Big Pharma and business leaders are NEVER named in their corruption. I think we all know why: they are moneyed, influential, part of the “big boy” team crowd, part of the Soros/WEF crowd like Soros, Kerry, Gates, Clinton, Obama, Schwab, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and many others at the top. It is past time they all pay the piper. Look at who is the head of all banking, finance, government agencies, real estate. Look at the ethnicity. They don’t divulge their own corruption, they stick together like the thieves they are.