This story has been around since December 2020 and never got any traction. The originator of the story, Maria Zack, spoke about getting herself invited to a 2020 Mar-a-Lago Christmas party where she briefly spoke to President Trump, but nothing came of it.
My curiosity with this story is lining it up with what we know was a huge part of the rigging, the big ballot drops. We’ve seen documentary evidence of these ballot drops and we see how they unrealistically went 100% for Biden.
I remember the Italian citizen who worked for Leonardo said in his Italian deposition he was manufacturing votes to the point he couldn’t match the votes to registrations. His handlers response to his concerns was do it anyway. My question is if he could do this why have such a massive and sloppy ballot stuffing strategy? Also, what states were affected by his claims?
Like so many things we have to wait for the future to prove the past.
As for the why, it sounds like he/they didn't find out about the ability until the game was already in play. Bad idea to change any plan in mid-stream. Also, it is very likely that the plan was compartmentalized and decentralized, so there would have been no opportunity to coordinate...and maybe stumbling problems if attempted. Besides, we are talking about the arrogant Deep State. More ballots than we need? What's the down side? (As it turned out, none for them. Yet.)
This story has been around since December 2020 and never got any traction. The originator of the story, Maria Zack, spoke about getting herself invited to a 2020 Mar-a-Lago Christmas party where she briefly spoke to President Trump, but nothing came of it.
My curiosity with this story is lining it up with what we know was a huge part of the rigging, the big ballot drops. We’ve seen documentary evidence of these ballot drops and we see how they unrealistically went 100% for Biden.
I remember the Italian citizen who worked for Leonardo said in his Italian deposition he was manufacturing votes to the point he couldn’t match the votes to registrations. His handlers response to his concerns was do it anyway. My question is if he could do this why have such a massive and sloppy ballot stuffing strategy? Also, what states were affected by his claims?
Like so many things we have to wait for the future to prove the past.
As for the why, it sounds like he/they didn't find out about the ability until the game was already in play. Bad idea to change any plan in mid-stream. Also, it is very likely that the plan was compartmentalized and decentralized, so there would have been no opportunity to coordinate...and maybe stumbling problems if attempted. Besides, we are talking about the arrogant Deep State. More ballots than we need? What's the down side? (As it turned out, none for them. Yet.)