Problem is that doctors belong to 'organizations' be it hospital administration or employed by a medical group. This is where they have to do what they are told. And with all patient info on their computers, big brother can look over their shoulder.
Doctors could save themselves by going back into private practice, off the i-net patient med records.
In California, it's not just the hospitals, but the medical boards whose certification is required to practice medicine, by law, in the State. It's the same problem as with restaurants: because they require a business license to stay open, the government regulators have insane power simply by defining requirements for the business license. An unelected bureaucrat was able to shut down businesses. The Legislature wrote laws some time ago to review doctor's exemptions for vaccines and put their license at risk based on audits. Same for prescribing pain killers.
The solution is to tear all that bureaucracy down to the ground. It was weaponized against the people, it has to go.
This is very true! Unfortunately the bureaucracy in medicine makes that almost impossible. Our medical system is broken because of insurance. Insurance should only be for catastrophic and extremely rare cases, everything else should just be paid for directly from patients. If that was the case competition would drop prices and improve quality of care. Going to the doctor would be on par with something like getting a hair cut, and something people could easily manage in their budget.
Instead, doctors can't go into private practice very easily unless they are part of an insurance network. That's the only way they can get paid. To be in those networks means submitting to insurance companies and getting a contract with them. Those contracts require the provider to follow certain "rules", and if they don't, they're out, and when they're out they can't sustain themselves.
On the surface, the "rules" that need to be followed would seem like a good thing. Something to weed out bad doctors, that perform unsafe and lackluster treatments. But it often involves following operational procedures of woke medical boards, following edicts from on high to the detriment of the patient. Not to mention that these boards and insurance companies are in the pocket of big pharma.
It's broken because of medicare. Insurance is a market and it works effectively. When a giant single payer monopoly invites itself into the system, then declares for itself the unilateral right to decide how the entire billing system MUST operate by law, it breaks the market.
They like this outcome because broken markets are ripe for corrupt practices and maximum extraction of profits for the minimum amount of work.
If enough doctors had backbone and pushed back when these mandates went into effect, it could have ended this disaster earlier. The corporate medical organizations wouldn't of had enough docs to fill all the positions and they wouldn't have been able to hire enough nurse practitioners rapidly to cover the openings. Even now, a large percentage of docs remain employed out of fear.
It's too late for many docs to save themselves. Trust in them has been squandered.
I told my wife that the only way I'll go to a hospital is if I am unconscious! I'll seek medical care, such as when I got lyme infection earlier this year, or if I broke a bone or something like that, but I'm not going to let the medical butchers mess with me unless I need something obvious.
The covid hospital protocol ensured patients would be unconcious. One of the first steps was kicking out all patient advocates, including medically Licensed spouses. Second step was injecting fentanyl to know the patient out.
And then of course there was the handcuffing to bed, remdesivir injections, forced venting, among several other things.
We have walked through freaking hell with this terrible evil smothering us and our loved ones. No punishment is too severe for anyone who carried out these policies of misery and death. Thousands and thousands of medical personnel who always thought themselves righteous, now have helped murder innocent people.
If only enough people had the backbone and pushed back when our government started taking our freedoms away, when congress started exploding our deficit, when mandates for vaccines started being pushed, we could have ended this disaster earlier.
I think the Globalist New World Order might have shot their wad with the vaxx push too. And Big Pharma while making huge profits on the jab, in the end are going to pay mightily for their mistake. Not only does no one want to Covid jab, but because of all the truth coming out about all vaccines, particularly those on the childhood immunization schedule, no one is going to be taking their poison jabs. There is lot more scrutiny being directed at all Big Phama products.
Hospital made windfall profits inflating Covid deaths, putting people on expensive respirators, shooting them full of Remdisivir. But now people no longer trust their doctors, or hospitals to do whats in their best interest. The people's view of Preventative Care has changed. People aren't going to blindly follow the medical pied piper any longer.
We only see those who have awakened when sufficient signs are manifest that allow us to judge who has awakened. We do not see the extreme doubt, the conflict, the quite realization of reality that a lot of people are wrestling with. Getting someone on the trail is often the hardest part, before convincing them to walk the trail.
Well said. I was trying to tell a friend the other day that I really like my doc, but she IS a ‘corporate’ doc. You can tell front he questions and the forms she fills out.
Problem is that doctors belong to 'organizations' be it hospital administration or employed by a medical group. This is where they have to do what they are told. And with all patient info on their computers, big brother can look over their shoulder.
Doctors could save themselves by going back into private practice, off the i-net patient med records.
In California, it's not just the hospitals, but the medical boards whose certification is required to practice medicine, by law, in the State. It's the same problem as with restaurants: because they require a business license to stay open, the government regulators have insane power simply by defining requirements for the business license. An unelected bureaucrat was able to shut down businesses. The Legislature wrote laws some time ago to review doctor's exemptions for vaccines and put their license at risk based on audits. Same for prescribing pain killers.
The solution is to tear all that bureaucracy down to the ground. It was weaponized against the people, it has to go.
This is very true! Unfortunately the bureaucracy in medicine makes that almost impossible. Our medical system is broken because of insurance. Insurance should only be for catastrophic and extremely rare cases, everything else should just be paid for directly from patients. If that was the case competition would drop prices and improve quality of care. Going to the doctor would be on par with something like getting a hair cut, and something people could easily manage in their budget.
Instead, doctors can't go into private practice very easily unless they are part of an insurance network. That's the only way they can get paid. To be in those networks means submitting to insurance companies and getting a contract with them. Those contracts require the provider to follow certain "rules", and if they don't, they're out, and when they're out they can't sustain themselves.
On the surface, the "rules" that need to be followed would seem like a good thing. Something to weed out bad doctors, that perform unsafe and lackluster treatments. But it often involves following operational procedures of woke medical boards, following edicts from on high to the detriment of the patient. Not to mention that these boards and insurance companies are in the pocket of big pharma.
It's broken because of medicare. Insurance is a market and it works effectively. When a giant single payer monopoly invites itself into the system, then declares for itself the unilateral right to decide how the entire billing system MUST operate by law, it breaks the market.
They like this outcome because broken markets are ripe for corrupt practices and maximum extraction of profits for the minimum amount of work.
If enough doctors had backbone and pushed back when these mandates went into effect, it could have ended this disaster earlier. The corporate medical organizations wouldn't of had enough docs to fill all the positions and they wouldn't have been able to hire enough nurse practitioners rapidly to cover the openings. Even now, a large percentage of docs remain employed out of fear.
It's too late for many docs to save themselves. Trust in them has been squandered.
I told my wife that the only way I'll go to a hospital is if I am unconscious! I'll seek medical care, such as when I got lyme infection earlier this year, or if I broke a bone or something like that, but I'm not going to let the medical butchers mess with me unless I need something obvious.
The covid hospital protocol ensured patients would be unconcious. One of the first steps was kicking out all patient advocates, including medically Licensed spouses. Second step was injecting fentanyl to know the patient out.
And then of course there was the handcuffing to bed, remdesivir injections, forced venting, among several other things.
Many crimes committed, and I hope MANY are convicted and serve prison time, or execution.
We have walked through freaking hell with this terrible evil smothering us and our loved ones. No punishment is too severe for anyone who carried out these policies of misery and death. Thousands and thousands of medical personnel who always thought themselves righteous, now have helped murder innocent people.
But you could say the same thing about we people.
If only enough people had the backbone and pushed back when our government started taking our freedoms away, when congress started exploding our deficit, when mandates for vaccines started being pushed, we could have ended this disaster earlier.
You are correct. The good thing is, enough people did. Don't know the percentage at its height - 30%? 40%? Enough to grind it to a halt.
Number of doctors? Don't know the percentage, but what I observed was less than 10% at its height. Much fewer.
The Great Awakening stopped it, not the medical profession.
I think the Globalist New World Order might have shot their wad with the vaxx push too. And Big Pharma while making huge profits on the jab, in the end are going to pay mightily for their mistake. Not only does no one want to Covid jab, but because of all the truth coming out about all vaccines, particularly those on the childhood immunization schedule, no one is going to be taking their poison jabs. There is lot more scrutiny being directed at all Big Phama products.
Hospital made windfall profits inflating Covid deaths, putting people on expensive respirators, shooting them full of Remdisivir. But now people no longer trust their doctors, or hospitals to do whats in their best interest. The people's view of Preventative Care has changed. People aren't going to blindly follow the medical pied piper any longer.
We only see those who have awakened when sufficient signs are manifest that allow us to judge who has awakened. We do not see the extreme doubt, the conflict, the quite realization of reality that a lot of people are wrestling with. Getting someone on the trail is often the hardest part, before convincing them to walk the trail.
Well said. I was trying to tell a friend the other day that I really like my doc, but she IS a ‘corporate’ doc. You can tell front he questions and the forms she fills out.
...ask ur [ doctor ] if they were ' hooded ' upon graduation from their medical indoctrination / school