It really seems like several prominent people are instigating a response from the people, Flynn being one of them. There have been many times, listening to different people talk, I say to myself, I think they are encouraging a rebellion without actually saying it.
However, if you show up to a protest, all the Feds have to do is break a few windows and call it an insurrection, start arresting political enemies as wittnessed. So, it needs to be more than nationwide protests.
At what pace do white hats push us toward the precipice and how do they stop a public revolt once it starts?
I agree, I think we are way beyond the point when armed Americans should haven take matters into their own hands.
If the American people get angry enough to form armed congregations, how far do we take it?
If the white hats push this psyop far enough, all bets for a peaceful resolution are off.
The American people are more heavily armed, and 1000 times better equipped than they were fighting the British. All we have to do is say, Ok, its time to go and it would be over in an afternoon.
Declaration of Independence
“when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
What these type posts always gloss over is the time it took to get from A to B. Its also a bit disingenuous to characterize this as an armed revolt over a slight increase in the tax on tea.
The Stamp Act of 1765 caused the first rumblings of Patriotic fervor. These Acts were thrust upon the People to pay for the French and Indian War.
The Boston Massacre followed in 1770. Here 300 or 400 protesters pissed at the quartering of British Troops threw insults at a British patrol. Nine soldiers opened fire and killed 5 colonists.
The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773. It was a protest over the Tea Act giving the East India Company a monopoly in North America.
Tensions had been building for many years before the first battle of the Revolution at Lexington and Concord in April 1775 and this didnt happen until the British attempted to take away our guns.
So we had 10 full years of growing animosity before anything beyond local dissent and protesting began. And you can really go back further to the beginning of the French and Indian War from 1754 to 1763.
The penultimate battle didnt happen until 1781 and the Battle of Yorktown. The Treaty of Paris wasnt signed until 1783 formally ending the war. It took 19 years to achieve our Independence.
Its a bit disheartening that the American People are so clueless about the causes and timeline of the most important events in our history. This is something that needs to be fixed when the evil is defeated. Why do we relegate instruction in American History to a one year requirement in High School? Id like to see History taught in every grade, including world history. By the time a kid graduates HS he/she should have an equivalent to an undergrad degree.
If we dont know the past we are doomed to repeat it.
I teach history at a homeschool co-op. Even there, it's difficult to get much beyond taxation without representation. Which BTW is #17 in the Declaration of Independence.
I agree with you on putting more emphasis on history. The challenge is getting parents to see this is important enough to prioritize it right along with STEM classes. Most parents have only had a bare bones history education- I know that is all I got.
The death cult boils our history down to a single issue. The details, where the real Truth (including their crimes) is often found, are kept vague, nebulous. In this way they keep us ignorant. They did the same with the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Civil War, WW1 and WW2.
In order to cover these topics properly, one first needs to do a high level of who (major players), what, where, and when to get a basic framework set up. A second pass of why and how can then be taken without getting bogged down by the basics. A third pass will allow for detailed study of the time period.
Most students do not get beyond the first pass, and the framework is rickety at best.
You are correct when you state that they keep us ignorant with our education. In general we do not even know that we don't know.
this is why they faked the Jan 6 insurrection to scare us to not rebel. and this is why the FBI and other three letter agencies have been corrupted to keep us simple folk in line. when we are in the gulags, we will realize we the people should have done something.
American citizenry would never be able to overcome the U.S. military, who, due to their control by woke generals/admirals, would put down the revolution. Local police would also likely go along with the military. The only way this madness will end by humans is for LEGAL prosecution of all the criminals in government.
Military force is unlikely to be able to put down an armed rebellion of tens of millions of people with a billion guns and trillions of rounds of ammo in its hands who have the resolve that is very obviously building. By trying all they do is build animosity, further provoke and deepen that resolve. Yamamoto knew this when he said, "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." Even if this is misquoted like the fact checkers assert you cant escape the truth of the sentiment.
The armed American public has numbers near 150 million with 350 million guns. There are only a couple million military service members. So, each military service member would have to defend himself against 75 armed Patriots.
You can't win a war using only air power, you have to get on the ground, turn it in to a Guerrilla war.
This is why we lost Vietnam, we could not make any advances in the ground war.
Most of our military would not turn their weapons on friends, family and neighbors.
Everyone in this country is fed up with the bullshit and would join the efforts of armed Americans taking back their country.
Don't be fooled, if the American people wanted to end this nonsense today, it could be done, today.
I like using the analogy of a school of piranha eating a water buffalo down to the bone.
It really seems like several prominent people are instigating a response from the people, Flynn being one of them. There have been many times, listening to different people talk, I say to myself, I think they are encouraging a rebellion without actually saying it.
However, if you show up to a protest, all the Feds have to do is break a few windows and call it an insurrection, start arresting political enemies as wittnessed. So, it needs to be more than nationwide protests.
At what pace do white hats push us toward the precipice and how do they stop a public revolt once it starts?
I agree, I think we are way beyond the point when armed Americans should haven take matters into their own hands.
If the American people get angry enough to form armed congregations, how far do we take it?
If the white hats push this psyop far enough, all bets for a peaceful resolution are off.
The American people are more heavily armed, and 1000 times better equipped than they were fighting the British. All we have to do is say, Ok, its time to go and it would be over in an afternoon.
Declaration of Independence
“when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
What these type posts always gloss over is the time it took to get from A to B. Its also a bit disingenuous to characterize this as an armed revolt over a slight increase in the tax on tea.
The Stamp Act of 1765 caused the first rumblings of Patriotic fervor. These Acts were thrust upon the People to pay for the French and Indian War.
The Boston Massacre followed in 1770. Here 300 or 400 protesters pissed at the quartering of British Troops threw insults at a British patrol. Nine soldiers opened fire and killed 5 colonists.
The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773. It was a protest over the Tea Act giving the East India Company a monopoly in North America.
Tensions had been building for many years before the first battle of the Revolution at Lexington and Concord in April 1775 and this didnt happen until the British attempted to take away our guns.
So we had 10 full years of growing animosity before anything beyond local dissent and protesting began. And you can really go back further to the beginning of the French and Indian War from 1754 to 1763.
The penultimate battle didnt happen until 1781 and the Battle of Yorktown. The Treaty of Paris wasnt signed until 1783 formally ending the war. It took 19 years to achieve our Independence.
Its a bit disheartening that the American People are so clueless about the causes and timeline of the most important events in our history. This is something that needs to be fixed when the evil is defeated. Why do we relegate instruction in American History to a one year requirement in High School? Id like to see History taught in every grade, including world history. By the time a kid graduates HS he/she should have an equivalent to an undergrad degree.
If we dont know the past we are doomed to repeat it.
Well said!
Must read post. Thank you.
Excellent post, Longtime!!
I teach history at a homeschool co-op. Even there, it's difficult to get much beyond taxation without representation. Which BTW is #17 in the Declaration of Independence.
I agree with you on putting more emphasis on history. The challenge is getting parents to see this is important enough to prioritize it right along with STEM classes. Most parents have only had a bare bones history education- I know that is all I got.
The death cult boils our history down to a single issue. The details, where the real Truth (including their crimes) is often found, are kept vague, nebulous. In this way they keep us ignorant. They did the same with the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Civil War, WW1 and WW2.
Yes, exactly.
In order to cover these topics properly, one first needs to do a high level of who (major players), what, where, and when to get a basic framework set up. A second pass of why and how can then be taken without getting bogged down by the basics. A third pass will allow for detailed study of the time period.
Most students do not get beyond the first pass, and the framework is rickety at best.
You are correct when you state that they keep us ignorant with our education. In general we do not even know that we don't know.
Thank You. I don't have to post my response due to your well-thought-out and well-researched post.
this is why they faked the Jan 6 insurrection to scare us to not rebel. and this is why the FBI and other three letter agencies have been corrupted to keep us simple folk in line. when we are in the gulags, we will realize we the people should have done something.
Let me take advice from a Newsmax reporter. Lol.
The way I see it, anyone who teams up with anyone is a fool. Absolute fool.
One man with a rifle, times thousands of Americans, is all this will take.
Think low profile.
American citizenry would never be able to overcome the U.S. military, who, due to their control by woke generals/admirals, would put down the revolution. Local police would also likely go along with the military. The only way this madness will end by humans is for LEGAL prosecution of all the criminals in government.
Military force is unlikely to be able to put down an armed rebellion of tens of millions of people with a billion guns and trillions of rounds of ammo in its hands who have the resolve that is very obviously building. By trying all they do is build animosity, further provoke and deepen that resolve. Yamamoto knew this when he said, "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." Even if this is misquoted like the fact checkers assert you cant escape the truth of the sentiment.
That is all true, however, when the artillery comes out, and it would, the revolt would be over quickly.
Sure just like everywhere else our military has tried to put down a revolt.
"...when the artillery comes out, and it would, the revolt would be over quickly."
The Viet Cong might have something to say about that.
Worked great in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan etc etc.
The armed American public has numbers near 150 million with 350 million guns. There are only a couple million military service members. So, each military service member would have to defend himself against 75 armed Patriots.
You can't win a war using only air power, you have to get on the ground, turn it in to a Guerrilla war.
This is why we lost Vietnam, we could not make any advances in the ground war.
Most of our military would not turn their weapons on friends, family and neighbors.
Everyone in this country is fed up with the bullshit and would join the efforts of armed Americans taking back their country.
Don't be fooled, if the American people wanted to end this nonsense today, it could be done, today.
I like using the analogy of a school of piranha eating a water buffalo down to the bone.
Count on 1 percent of those numbers fighting.
The military would split.