posted ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve +63 / -0

Trump will leave NATO -- ex Pentagon chief

Without the US to hold it up, the bloc would “collapse,” Mark Esper has told MSNBC

“I think one of the first things that would happen is he would withdraw support for Ukraine,” Esper replied. “And of course if that were to happen, the whole effort to support Ukraine in its war with Russia would eventually crumble. The United States is like the big block in the Jenga tower; you pull us out and everything collapses.”

“His next move would be to begin pulling us out of NATO, certainly troops out of NATO countries,” Esper told MSNBC. “And eventually that could cause the collapse of the alliance … and the next -- does he start looking, as he would discuss with me and others at the time – does he look to pull troops out of Korea, out of Japan, out of other countries that are allied with us?”
