Elon - "Wow"...(“Harvard is a place where free expression goes to die.”)
🧠 These marxists are stupid!
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"This is the same president who watched a brilliant and popular professor, Carole Hooven, be effectively hounded out of her position after a public shaming campaign by one of her department's DEI enforcers, and a mob of teaching fellows, because Hooven dared to state on television that biological sex is binary.
This is the president of a university where a grand total of 1.46 percent of faculty call themselves "conservative" and 82 percent call themselves "liberal" or "very liberal."
This is the president of a university which ranked 248th out of 248 colleges this year on free speech (and Penn was the 247th), according to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.
Harvard is a place where free expression goes to die."
(Pepe Deluxe)