Got you with that tagline, didn't I? But how many of you know the history of the tattoo'd numbers on prisoners in Hitler's concentration camps? Those are punch card numbers from IBM. From machines IBM sold to Hitler. The details of which to date are still in sealed archives at IBM. You can read up on this story here:
With that historical context in mind it shouldn't be surprising that IBM continues to engage in racial discrimination practices today:
"The story broke Monday evening: in leaked 2021 footage released by the journalist / activist James O’Keefe (his title shifts depending on where one falls along the political spectrum) IBM CEO Arvind Krishna outlined a bonus structure that at least in part rewarded hiring discrimination in favor of women and specific, preferred races."
You all are aware that the only storage media available to what were then called “electric accounting machines” were punch cards and printed paper, aren’t you? It is beyond unlikely that the Reich shipped millions of punch cards to IBM for safekeeping. Correctly spec’ed IBM Hollerith records are one hundred to the inch. You do the math for the size of the stack of cards just for the concentration camp victims.
You are aware that only portions of the data need to exist to be able to infer the full story, right?
This is the nature of metadata, which is why the gov hoovers it so fucking hard.