I've used Reynolds Meds to get Ivermectin pills. I have trouble getting the horse paste down sometimes. IIRC Fenbenzadole is sold as goat dewormer. That didn't taste all that bad as I recall.
I don't know if Reynolds carries Hydroxychloroquine. I can't find their site through google or yandex. I believe he was advertising on Gab but I dropped off that site. reynoldsmeds.com doesn't seem to work anymore.
I've used Reynolds Meds to get Ivermectin pills. I have trouble getting the horse paste down sometimes. IIRC Fenbenzadole is sold as goat dewormer. That didn't taste all that bad as I recall.
I don't know if Reynolds carries Hydroxychloroquine. I can't find their site through google or yandex. I believe he was advertising on Gab but I dropped off that site. reynoldsmeds.com doesn't seem to work anymore.
Reynolds has a convenient package for "Covid" with "IVERMECTIN, AZITHROMYCIN, DOXYCYCLINE, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE"
The Reynold Meds site still works. Drop that first S "reynoldmeds.com"
Thanks Fren!