Got news for you, buddy, “the church” is wherever “two or more are gathered in my name” and not state-endorsed, incorporated formal organizations with hard assets.
If the Anglican Church is doing the same thing the Methodist church did, it deserves and needs to fracture - and this is from someone who hates denominationalism. The Anglican Church ain’t the end-all-be-all, either. Nor is my church for that matter.
If this was true, then whenever two or more people gathered, they would be compelled by the Holy Spirit to agree on doctrine.
This evidently does not happen.
Doctrinal authority matters, otherwise everyone is just worshiping their own interpretation of God, and not the truth of God.
God can't have both predestined us and not predestined us, for example. It has to be one or the other and there should be an authoritative answer on it, or else people aren't worshiping the same God.
And I do not subscribe to the notion that God just left us high-and-dry to figure it out on our own.
Doctrinal authority matters, otherwise everyone is just worshiping their own interpretation of God, and not the truth of God.
That’s happening anyway. The quest for doctrinal authority is a significant part of how we have the Talmud.
God can't have both predestined us and not predestined us, for example. It has to be one or the other and there should be an authoritative answer on it, or else people aren't worshiping the same God.
What does the price of eggs have to do with salvation? Let each man be convinced in his own mind. Simply do not create stumbling blocks, and try to bring brothers into correction slowly, in love, and on things that actually matter for salvation and obedience.
If I can be patient with Gnostics (even after they try to get me to renounce the name of God), a Methodist can be patient with an Episcopalian on liturgical disagreement, and in all cases with respectful love and without name calling.
Matthew 23:8 - for no one to be called rabbi/teacher, there can’t be doctrinal divisions where someone claims authority over the scriptures. Present a case, humbly. Correct grievous errors, humbly. Do your best to bear all things.
ONE body, brother, not 1000!
And I do not subscribe to the notion that God just left us high-and-dry to figure it out on our own.
You’re right! He left us the scriptures. :-)
I think of it as a test of, “How well do you understand My Character?”
If it was just rote memorization, it’s a lot less significant than someone discerning things through meditation on the scriptures day and night, yes?
Does that mean I’m right?
Does that mean there needs to be division?
Also no.
Does that mean we can’t rebuke grievously incorrect practices before leaving and shaking the dust off our feet?
Also no, but it needs to be serious error, not something like determinism.
Got news for you, buddy, “the church” is wherever “two or more are gathered in my name” and not state-endorsed, incorporated formal organizations with hard assets.
If the Anglican Church is doing the same thing the Methodist church did, it deserves and needs to fracture - and this is from someone who hates denominationalism. The Anglican Church ain’t the end-all-be-all, either. Nor is my church for that matter.
There still have to be standards. Purge the rot.
If this was true, then whenever two or more people gathered, they would be compelled by the Holy Spirit to agree on doctrine.
This evidently does not happen.
Doctrinal authority matters, otherwise everyone is just worshiping their own interpretation of God, and not the truth of God.
God can't have both predestined us and not predestined us, for example. It has to be one or the other and there should be an authoritative answer on it, or else people aren't worshiping the same God.
And I do not subscribe to the notion that God just left us high-and-dry to figure it out on our own.
That’s happening anyway. The quest for doctrinal authority is a significant part of how we have the Talmud.
What does the price of eggs have to do with salvation? Let each man be convinced in his own mind. Simply do not create stumbling blocks, and try to bring brothers into correction slowly, in love, and on things that actually matter for salvation and obedience.
If I can be patient with Gnostics (even after they try to get me to renounce the name of God), a Methodist can be patient with an Episcopalian on liturgical disagreement, and in all cases with respectful love and without name calling.
Matthew 23:8 - for no one to be called rabbi/teacher, there can’t be doctrinal divisions where someone claims authority over the scriptures. Present a case, humbly. Correct grievous errors, humbly. Do your best to bear all things.
ONE body, brother, not 1000!
You’re right! He left us the scriptures. :-)
I think of it as a test of, “How well do you understand My Character?” If it was just rote memorization, it’s a lot less significant than someone discerning things through meditation on the scriptures day and night, yes?
Does that mean I’m right?
Does that mean there needs to be division?
Also no.
Does that mean we can’t rebuke grievously incorrect practices before leaving and shaking the dust off our feet?
Also no, but it needs to be serious error, not something like determinism.