posted ago by Blue-collar746 ago by Blue-collar746 +1 / -0

Repost, I guess

Hello guys, it’s been a while. I had to create a new account cuz I forgot my old password kek

I wanted to show you just how many things the Q team has to deal with because it’s a lot.

The Globalist class:

Multiple bloodlines intricately connected with each other. They work against the people but also against each other to get to the top first.

You have the 13 bloodlines in the brotherhood of the snake:

Astors, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Collins, Van Duyn, Bundy, Payseur(PaySOROS), Li, Onassis, Kennedys, DuPont, Freeman and Russells

The Payseurs are thought to be the true Merovingians

Bellow these you have the bloodlines that intermingle with them:

Disneys, Greys, McDonalds, Krupps, Oppenheimer, Oppenheims, Reynolds(who many think are part of the original 13 in place of the Payseurs who are sometimes put above the 13)

These aren’t all of the of course

After this you have the Saturnalians, who may or may not be above the original 13 I mentioned but it’s debated. They are sometimes called the Zoroastrian bloodlines. There are also thirteen of them. They are:

Orsini, Breakspear, Aldobrandini, Farnese and Somaglia are the Papal bloodlines. The Current Pope and Black pope are commoners(by their standards anyway) and don’t belong to these families. They are simply puppets now. Pepe Orsini is rumored to be the Grey pope who controls them both.

The remaining eight are: Borja, Conti, Chigi, Este, Gaetani, Colonna, Pamphili and Aldobrandini whom David Rothschild married into.

We also have the Committee of 300 which meets to discuss matters between the world’s most wealthy sub families. They are called the Olympian.

You have “Star Wars City” in Colorado Springs. They supposedly link the Olympians to the 13 bloodlines. Most of my info on them has been taken down so any help would be appreciated.

You have Builderberg, which controls a lot of the political and economic landscape together with several other economic clubs, such as the council of foreign relations and the trilateral commission(Bush Sr, Carter and Clinton)

You have the millions of potential inside agents who are doing their bidding or being groomed for a role that they don’t know about.

You also have the many members of the Freemasons. Some of which have no idea of the corruption that goes on. It’s so easy to join a Masonic organization by design. I turned 21 in August so even some rando like me could do it. Where I live there are quite a few masons, many of which are innocent, and many are corrupt.

You have the conditioning of many of those in society. This conditioning has been going on for thousands of years.

They also need to ensure the safety of anyone who fights for justice. This is not a game. They can’t end it quickly. There are so many organizations that I haven’t even mentioned in my post yet, and if you want the ALL taken down, you need to be patient. And yes I am well aware of the suffering going on in this world but we need to be strong.

After the Illuminati, the Current World Order and the New World Order are taken out, you will realize that this was worth the wait. But understand that Satan tries to rule over our world and he will be back to work immediately even after we defeat and destroy his army.