Some patriot ought to get out at night with a welder and see if those drop boxes need any maintenance. Like making sure no small children can slip inside of it. Weld up any large openings and make darn sure you have plenty of weld wire. Hate to have kids come to harm by trying to crawl inside of one of those boxes.
If it would have been the general election that person would have the key to the city, I guess they picked the wrong democrat to vote for. Remember, stay safe, always call the DNC to get instructions on who to “voter fraud” for before you vote. Remember, it’s a lot of work changing all those votes back to the Soros candidate and it makes them angry.
Rookie numbers for a Democrat.
New York has the most corrupt Political system in the Nation.
Chicago, Philadelphia and California would like a word.
It's a fierce competition.
For reals!!
"What? Can't do that? Been doing it for years. Coffee money" --Signed, Definately a resident --- Abdul Rahman
wow... that dude has a BIG family!
Some patriot ought to get out at night with a welder and see if those drop boxes need any maintenance. Like making sure no small children can slip inside of it. Weld up any large openings and make darn sure you have plenty of weld wire. Hate to have kids come to harm by trying to crawl inside of one of those boxes.
If it would have been the general election that person would have the key to the city, I guess they picked the wrong democrat to vote for. Remember, stay safe, always call the DNC to get instructions on who to “voter fraud” for before you vote. Remember, it’s a lot of work changing all those votes back to the Soros candidate and it makes them angry.
Jail time.