"A second Republican congressman was “swatted” on Christmas Day, hours after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was visited by armed law enforcement at her home.
In an X post , Monday, Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY) announced, “Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving. They left with homemade cookies and spiced nuts! Merry Christmas everyone!”
In a follow-up post , Williams revealed that Capitol and local police were investigating the incident and that five police cars had arrived at his home following the false report.
“The deputies & troopers were polite, professional, & prompt. God bless them,” Williams added.
Swatting — the act of making a false police report with the intention that the victim receives a visit from armed law enforcement — has been used against many public figures, including former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and podcast host Tim Pool , and has even resulted in death .
Greene was visited by law enforcement on Monday morning after an anonymous caller told 911 that a man had been shot at the congresswoman’s address.
Local police were reportedly called by the suspect, who took responsibility for the incident and said “they were upset about Ms. Greene’s stance on ‘trans-gender youth’s rights.'”
“I have been swatted 8 times but the FBI can’t seem to figure out who is responsible for the swatting and says the law doesn’t allow them to track them down,” protested Greene on X following the incident. “The FBI can do so many things, has even abused FISA to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans, but can not figure out who wants me killed by a hail of bullets fired by a SWAT team responding to murder suicide calls supposedly coming from me.”
Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec also announced on Monday that his parents had been “swatted.”
“They told the officers that I had shot my wife and sons in the kitchen,” he wrote."
Also - I keep hearing about how trans kids and trans people are not safe in this world. How come I never hear about a trans person’s house being swatted? Because they’re not the target
To be fair, SWATing happens to leftist content creators too.
It's unacceptable and people who do it need to have a charge of attempted murder slapped on for every resident of the house that is SWATed on their behalf.
In fairness, I am making a blanket assumption of the politics of all the streamers who have been SWATed over the years, but I'm pretty confident in my assumptions for most of them at least.
It’s the same person. Three people now I’ve been sweating on the same day. Christmas day of course they always do it during the holiday, so it’s the same person. They work for the FBI, and it’s OK for them to do it because we live in a banana republic now.
Swatting — the act of making a false police report with the intention that the victim receives a visit from armed law enforcement
Holy banana bread Batman is that an understatement.
It's not just about a simple "false report" or "armed police".
They make the reports based on terrorism, or fake a hostage situation, or mass murder, etc.
They get tensions high before the Gestapo even arrives, in hopes that they commit murder by proxy.
It's not fair to the cops, it's a waste of resources and it's awful for the person SWATed. Everyone risks their lives being ruined or ended in that situation.
"A second Republican congressman was “swatted” on Christmas Day, hours after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was visited by armed law enforcement at her home.
In an X post , Monday, Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY) announced, “Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving. They left with homemade cookies and spiced nuts! Merry Christmas everyone!”
In a follow-up post , Williams revealed that Capitol and local police were investigating the incident and that five police cars had arrived at his home following the false report.
“The deputies & troopers were polite, professional, & prompt. God bless them,” Williams added.
Swatting — the act of making a false police report with the intention that the victim receives a visit from armed law enforcement — has been used against many public figures, including former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and podcast host Tim Pool , and has even resulted in death .
Greene was visited by law enforcement on Monday morning after an anonymous caller told 911 that a man had been shot at the congresswoman’s address.
Local police were reportedly called by the suspect, who took responsibility for the incident and said “they were upset about Ms. Greene’s stance on ‘trans-gender youth’s rights.'”
“I have been swatted 8 times but the FBI can’t seem to figure out who is responsible for the swatting and says the law doesn’t allow them to track them down,” protested Greene on X following the incident. “The FBI can do so many things, has even abused FISA to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans, but can not figure out who wants me killed by a hail of bullets fired by a SWAT team responding to murder suicide calls supposedly coming from me.”
Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec also announced on Monday that his parents had been “swatted.”
“They told the officers that I had shot my wife and sons in the kitchen,” he wrote."
lol a butthurt lib calling the police and getting mad when they don't murder people
a tale as old as time
It was probably the fag bois.
Also - I keep hearing about how trans kids and trans people are not safe in this world. How come I never hear about a trans person’s house being swatted? Because they’re not the target
To be fair, SWATing happens to leftist content creators too.
It's unacceptable and people who do it need to have a charge of attempted murder slapped on for every resident of the house that is SWATed on their behalf.
Who? I've only heard of it happening to right wingers. Styxhexenhammer just got swatted too.
In fairness, I am making a blanket assumption of the politics of all the streamers who have been SWATed over the years, but I'm pretty confident in my assumptions for most of them at least.
See Deez Nutz.. they're spiced!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 coms?
It’s the same person. Three people now I’ve been sweating on the same day. Christmas day of course they always do it during the holiday, so it’s the same person. They work for the FBI, and it’s OK for them to do it because we live in a banana republic now.
This is how they roll. Little cowardly, cry babies.
50 years in buttslamming prison for these fuckers, once we return to a true Republic...
Holy banana bread Batman is that an understatement.
It's not just about a simple "false report" or "armed police".
They make the reports based on terrorism, or fake a hostage situation, or mass murder, etc.
They get tensions high before the Gestapo even arrives, in hopes that they commit murder by proxy.
It's not fair to the cops, it's a waste of resources and it's awful for the person SWATed. Everyone risks their lives being ruined or ended in that situation.
Agreed! People who make false reports should be prosecuted. But, then again if it's the FBI making the phone calls then of course nothing will happen.
It seems to me that the 911 call center would have caller ID. Calls blocking caller ID should be highly suspect and should require further vetting.
Styxhexenhammer just got swatted as well.
At every hearing we are told there are good FBI agents. Are there? Where are they?
Busting pedophiles hopefully.
This is my new rep from upstate NY. I don't know much about him, though. I doubt he deserved to be swatted.