1. First, the bad news - we’re all sinners in the eyes of God.
Romans 3:23: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
2. More bad news - the result of sin is death.
Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death.
There are two parts to death. The first death is a physical death here on earth. The second death is the lake of fire (hell).
Revelation 21:8: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
That’s a pretty bad list, right? But, notice at the end of the list it said “all liars.” The Bible says, “let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). The point here is that we’re all sinners and we’re all condemned to hell - even if the only thing you have ever done wrong is tell a lie.
3. Now the Good news – God has a gift He wants to give you (eternal life).
Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God has a gift He wants to give you and that gift is eternal life and it is through Jesus Christ. You don’t have to work for the gift and you don’t have to pay for the gift.
Ephesians 2:8-9: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
4. More Good News – Jesus paid the price for our sins.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Just because the gift is free doesn’t mean that someone didn’t pay for it. Since God wants to give you a gift, He’s the giver and you’re the receiver, so He paid for the gift. Jesus paid for the gift by His death, burial and resurrection. Do you believe that Jesus died, was buried and was resurrected on the third day to pay for our sins?
John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
God says he wants to give you eternal life, that is life that will never end. This means that when you die the initial physical death, you will not die the second death of being cast into the lake of fire but instead you will go and live with God forever in heaven.
Titus 1:2: In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
Our hope for eternal life is that God cannot lie. So if God promises you life that will never end, then He will give you life that never ends. Salvation had nothing to do with you, remember it’s “not of yourselves” (Ephesians 2:8). When God forgives you of your sins; He forgives you of all your sins—past, present, future. That is how he can guarantee us eternal life.
5. All you have to do is accept God’s gift for you by faith.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
If someone were to buy a gift, wrap it and write your name on it, it would not become yours until you accepted it. The gift from God is exactly the same. It’s already been paid for by Jesus Christ and God offers it to everyone but you need to accept it. You accept the gift of eternal life by confessing with your mouth while believing in your heart.
Do you want to accept Jesus Christ and be saved from your sins right now? Then just say this simple prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner and that I deserve to go to hell. I believe that you died on the cross, were buried and rose again to pay for my sins. I ask you to save me, forgive me of my sins and take me to heaven when I die. Thank you for giving me eternal life. Amen.
Congratulations, you are saved!
If you prayed that prayer and got saved, send me a message - it would make an old Canadian guy very happy to hear that you got saved. God bless.
When you question all the foundations of history, we get into a sticky territory, because there's usually no alternative.
Without history, we don't know where we came from. We don't know who we are. The cabal love this. The question is did they already corrupt history, or is that what they're trying to do now. I'd lean towards the latter, as I believe God preserved at least what is necessary to prove the Bible.
This, by the way, is partially why I read this as rebellion from God. Instead of believing that God preserved His word over the cabals attempts at corruption, you believe the opposite. The opposite belief is a rebellion from God because it posits that He either doesn't exist, or neglected to preserve His word.
Ultimately, it is impossible for us to come to any shared understand if one of us rejects all history and the other doesn't. By all historical metrics, Jesus Christ existed. I can't do much more than point that out, and if you reject history at its core, there's not really anywhere to go.
It’s doubly impossible to discuss anything when one side rejects objective reality as a thing that exists (which, by the way, is a new-age humanist cabal ideology based on Satan's first act in the Bible (as is everything the cabal pushes. It's all the opposite of what the Bible says is good. I wonder why?)).
Also, it's a shit population management tool (religion = population control = rebellion from God) if that's what it is. The entire New Testament is Jesus calling out the hypocritical Pharisees for their legalism. Christ summarizes the law in two rules, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments"
So as a population control tool its main purpose is to... checks notes... tell people to love each other?
Sounds like the opposite of the cabals division tactic, which is integral to its continued existence.
As for "love God", if God is real this isn't an unreasonable population control demand, it's just what we should do (once again my assertion that your belief is based in rebellion from God. You suspect that the reason the Bible tells us to do things is evil control schemes, not because God loves us and wants the best for us)
I'll finish by saying that, as you point out, some people choose to be evil, while you choose to be good. This is exactly the problem with self-worship, and why it's clearly the wrong way to operate a society. Even if God isn't real, it'd be better if everyone believed He was.
In that sense, the Bible absolutely seeks to control us. By telling us what to do. The question is: Is it God telling us or the cabal telling us? Seeing as the Bible itself presents God as giving us free will, and based on the unity aspect which the cabal hates, I'd say the former.
This is the ultimate basis for my assertion. The Bible is quite evidently the archetypal "loving but firm father", giving us firm guidance on what to do and how to live from a place of love. To call it some evil cabal control mechanism is, by definition, rebellion against that which is evidently good. It's a "do what thou wilt" attitude, which is the basis of Satanism and the evil cabal, the very thing we seek to destroy.
You are working with a lot of logical fallacy, thinking about debating before learning. Learning doesn't mean you have to adopt the ideal. It's for your entertainment. If something seeps in, so be it.
My testimony does smash religion, but it does not affect you personally, so try to chill. It's opinions and beliefs, no one is paying us to fight.
You didn't "point" out anything. This is a sign of brainwashing and a mantra of programming. Jesus isn't in history record. Please, show the source. Can't use bible though, logically. A dogmatic adherence to a single source is another cult think sign.
If something is true, it cant be untrue, it's true from every observation.
I tried faith in Jesus, and ever trough all my years, church leader, bible groups and camps, I always knew something didn't make sense. Its all bullshit, and it's totally obvious once you realize this isn't a planet in space, and what that really means for your understanding of reality.. Good luck.
Of course you can use the Bible. It's a collection of primary sources that is proven to be the same today as it was back then, based on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Not to mention the secular sources of which several existed.
I pointed out that according to history, Christ existed. This is well known. If you reject history, then it obviously doesn't matter to you what the "accepted narrative" is. That's my whole point. I can't "prove" Christ existed to you if we don't agree on the validity of history.
But nonetheless, there is more evidence for Christ than for the emperor of Rome at the time. As I said, unless we throw out all of history, Christ existed. If you do want to throw out all of history, and many do subscribe to that perspective, that's fine. But based on everything I've seen and researched, that's not where I'm at, and it's not because I'm brainwashed (brainwashed people believe in evolution. I don't qualify.). Also, you don't possess some superior mind because you reject all of human history, which is exactly what the cabal wants, by the way. Believe what you want, but don't act like I'm some incompetent, brainwashed idiot for not agreeing.
And the Bible makes just as much sense if we aren't a planet in space, if not more sense. I'm as open as I've ever been to us existing on a plane instead of a planet in space, yet that doesn't change anything about the Bible. It's not even really a science book. You can find some truths about reality in there, but not any that really exclude any specific details.
Argument from incredulity is a fallacy. Your own lack of understanding of the Bible or connection with what it says does not make it inherently bullshit. This gets back to my statement that this is just rebellion from God. That's exactly what the Bible says we do, and if the Bible is true, it got that one right too. You "tried" faith, but didn't like it, so it must be bullshit. But that's our sin nature, we're inherently rebellious and averse to faith in God. We're meant to hold to that faith in spite of our nature. If it were easy to have faith in God, the Bible would be wrong. You saying it's hard lends credibility to the Bible, not the other way around.
Also, the opposite of faith in God is worship of the self. This leads to all humans evil that have ever existed.
Finally, the bible is very obviously not bullshit from my perspective. This is why relying on our own senses to determine truth is futile (and also more self worship, by the way).
I grew up with the same brainwashing and never questioned that Jesus was a real person. Then I questioned it and the bible. I'm aware the bible has some accuracy, but it literally is not proof. It's just text. Historical record would mean that Jesus appears in historical sources, like in a journal or in some artwork from the time, and zero. This is well know too. But it's logical fallacy to claim it matters in proving Jesus exists or not. The numbers of people who believe one way or the other, doesn't matter.
And I'm not ignorant about the bible at all. My claim that it's bullshit comes from the fact that it can't be proven to be truth.
You pointed that if we exclude history then we cannot prove Jesus existed. That's all I was saying. History is the only thing that says he existed and history is missing verified, unbiased evidence.
And another program you ran was saying the rebellion against God is worship of the self. I was "taught" the same thing. And it's no feat that people can predict a rebellion against God results in self worship in most cases. But not in my case.
And about where we are. It does make a huge difference. You just have not put it together that this really is a plane. And we really are trapped, and all the national leaders know it, they always have.
So it changes everything. We go from our planet and our destiny to being slaves in a wheel. Religion and most of the knowledge we think we have, could have been planted to make our society easier to manipulate and manage.
I really am pretty smart person. I'm not gonna call you dumb though. But maybe make some room for other people to teach you things instead of assuming you're the shit. You would be surprised how much you are wrong about still, even after all these struggles to understand the world. Im ahead of you at the moment, and once you take the flat pill, your perspective on everything slowly adapts the the new reality.
For some, flat earth makes the story of God vs devil even more real. And by all possiblity, it could be. But, it's also possible that religions are planted here, since we must have been planted here.
Dude, you're fucking full of shit.
I don't need some asshat telling me I'm a fucking brainwashed robot just running programs because he thinks he's some intellectual juggernaut. Your ego is fucking massive. And maybe you are smarter than me, I'll give you that. But my argumentation thus far has been far superior to the abject drivel you've levied.
And yes, I am 100% triggered. Moreover, I don't do passive-aggressive. If you want to throw accusations as a prime method of argument, I'm going to tell you what I think. I think you're a tool.
Now, with that out of the way:
Problem #1
I didn't grow up with shit. I was agnostic until AFTER I joined GAW. And became Catholic AFTER that. If I got brainwashed, it was by anti-authority sentiment on GAW, and anti-Vatican sentiment on GAW. And DESPITE that, I became Roman Catholic. My predisposition was AGAINST all these things, yet I still came to believe them. Get bent with this "you're brainwashed" crap, you poser.
Problem #2
There is no logical fallacy involved in claiming that a primary document is evidence of a claim. And the only thing that's well known is the several secular sources outside the Bible that confirm the historicity of Christ: https://www.bethinking.org/jesus/ancient-evidence-for-jesus-from-non-christian-sources
Also, name one formal logical fallacy I've committed. You can't (or maybe you can. I'd love to see it so I can improve my argumentation going forward). Logic is my specialty. I may not know everything, and you may be smarter, but logic is what I use to close the gap, where appropriate.
You can't prove you're smart, either. You can't prove you aren't a brain in a jar. You can't prove you won't get hit by a bus next time you leave your house. We can't prove Joe Biden isn't a man in a mask. We can't prove Joe Biden is a man in a mask. We can't prove Trump is a good guy. We can't prove Q is real.
Proof is imaginary. Evidence is all that counts. And as far as the evidence goes, Christ being Lord has plenty. You choose to reject is based on some other criteria, not because it has an insufficient amount of evidence compared to anything else.
There is more evidence for Christ than historical. The historical evidence verifies what we're seeing. The evidence present in all the creation verifies the historical account. They confirm each other as a result of their inherent truthfulness. God is self-evident. The Bible explains which God, and does it in a way that can't be refuted. You can't name one thing that the Bible is wrong about.
Also, this was my whole point. If you reject history and I don't, this discussion has little potential to bear fruit. Our entire base worldviews are different.
I find the historical evidence to be perfectly acceptable in light of the evident realities of the creation.
The Bible was written 2000 years ago, yet it's got you pinned down to a tee. But ok, if you don't worship the self, who is your authority on truth? Be specific.
Cool, never said it wasn't.
And I never said it doesn't matter, because it does. I said it doesn't disprove the Bible, and even fits with it potentially better (as you admit).
Rebellion from God. I'm going to stop posing theory and stating fact: God gave His revelation to Man and you can't see it or hear it because of your inherent sin nature that drives you away from God.
Also, you can't prove any of that.
Also, also, your observation is correct. Religion exists to tell us what to do. Your problem is your rebellion from God that prevents you from understanding why that's a good thing. Unrestricted freedom is why evil exists. Freedom is not a virtue.
To use that observation as some kind of evidence against religion is asinine. Yes, control is the point of religion. That doesn't make the claims of the religion false.
You called me every synonym for dumb, or at least you might as well have, but thanks, I guess.
Though, it appears to me that an unbiased review would reveal that you're the one with the ego problem here, man. As evidenced by, well... your inability to write three sentences without puffing yourself up. You couldn't even refrain from doing it in the selfsame paragraph that you accused ME of thinking I'm "the shit" in. In fact, you sandwiched that claim in between TWO statements stroking your own ego.
Now, as for my perspective, I couldn't get much closer to thinking it's flat than I already am, without simply accepting the claim. I still reserve judgement until I can get out and do my own tests at the very least. But even if I can confirm say the 5+ mile laser tests that disprove curvature, it won't change much about my perspective.
Just like nothing changed when I came to reject evolution. All the same things are still true observationally, they just have a different explanation. Not much about my life changes if I accept flat Earth. I already don't accept any of the anti-human bullshit pushed by the cabal. I already accept the notion that God created us with and for a purpose, and that we aren't just dumb animals with no purpose waiting to be enslaved by the stronger monkeys or aliens or whatever crap.
And if you didn't understand all these things after learning about the Bible, you never really understood the Bible. Then again, it's impossible to understand the Bible and not see that it's true, so no one who rejects it understand it (or God).
Honest question, where does all this "we were seeded on Earth to be cattle" shit come from (I'm assuming that's what you are getting at)? I keep hearing this shit, and haven't seen a lick of evidence. It honestly just seems like some schizo shit that only makes sense in theory. But maybe evidence exists, and I just haven't seen it yet. So if you're really interested in teaching me anything, now is the time.