What is your best guess from best hopes to best guess from logic and fact?
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I understand many say many have been arrested and such.
Many will say nothing will happen. Many will say all these people are old now so who cares.
I care most of you care.
Courage is required.
See in my opinion what we call “sheep” only care about being on the perceived winning “team” and if this “team” is to hold hands with evil to keep the perceived “peace” than that is what the “sheep” will do.
Moses — Exodus 17:11 — Moses held up his hands and they were winning and when he lowered they were losing.
It took courage by Moses to have faith.
Who is the ones God has put in place to overcome this complicity/procrastinating? Is God telling them to be still?
Essentially in my outlook as long as those who are in key positions to defeat this evil in the USA are doing what is required by them we will win in the end.
Nothing we can do to stop what God has decided—even if those in these key roles loses faith like Moses eventually did—guess what? Only Moses suffered not the people.