What is your best guess from best hopes to best guess from logic and fact?
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The only thing that saves anyone or anything is truth. Safety because of deception is 100% illusion. You know what's really been bugging me? The "we only use 10% of our brains" we have always been told. What the hell is hidden from us by being unplugged from the other 90%? I am so pissed off. Is that their trip? How they have kept us slaves? How they manage to hide reality about this planet from us? If Assange does come here an absolute flood of people are going to leave their positions and prestige and scurry like cockroaches. The secret slush fund for paying off accusers that D.C. has always had, needs to be exposed and analyzed. It all ties together with Mossad and Epstein. Genetic research, even chimeras. Clones. Epstein and friends, involved. Ugh. Bill Clinton. Why did Hillary FOIA about a nephilim DNA source? "The last nephilim" wasn't the last. Nephilim were super big human hybrids basically. Goliath was one. Ancient native american tribes tell about having to kill the red haired giants. The corrupt cabal owned Smithsonian hides proof! Well guess what was documented and killed by a spec forces platoon in Kandahar. Really huge and red-haired. Hmmm. You can find it. Look it up. I am just so stinkin tired of secrets, and of elites that are actually human or hybrid pieces of shit. We have soldiers coming home from many situations haunted by mental images and they are forbidden to disclose what they have seen under penalty of death. (DUMBS warfare etc) People need to find out that so called Blue Beam holographics can conceal an actual weapon. the hologram fakery would immediately be exposed by destroying the projection point. As far as I am concerned they are so phucking busted already! SOOO busted they might as well not bother with the nonsense. They have been boomeranged by the internet they thought meant they really would rule the world. It's been replaced by the Alliance's Quantum web. Who do you think participated and is well informed? The things I have been finding out about thousand year old "death cults/Vatican/elite families " "hybrids" and marketing of human-sourced "products" (children) has finally brought me to my own personal precipice. Good Lord, Tucker Carlson said ET are here and have been all along. Duh. But I am amazed for the info door that he made fly open for the masses. Now if everyone would just listen to Shawn Ryan's interviews. And a few frens know about Megan Rose and Val Nek. Hope is available to be heard should you need it. Nothing I have said is a fantasy I designed in my own pea brain. I'm not that clever. But I am angry and over-loaded. It's a stage of the grieving process.