Spoke with a family member about a grandpa they have been caring for. They were taken to the hospital in AZ for a broken bone during a fall.
Sounds like they were put into a bed in the hallway & rushed them out with the bone still broken. To be fair, if doctors are working 18hr shifts because some flu is keeping those hospitals filled beyond capacity, I can see them missing something on an xray.
They were taken to a different hospital where their bed was also put into a hallway. The EMT asked around to see if there were any hospitals that this man could be taken to. They were all filled beyond capacity with the flu.
Now I don't know how true it is that every hospital is filled in AZ is. Everything I state here is clearly hearsay, though I am curious if any AZ pedes happen to know if there is any truth to this?
Also it could be that the some narrative is being pushed. Just trying to figure out if there is potential for a narrative push for some scare event down there?
Election COVID Round 2?
Thanks for this update. I didn't get the two hospital names that had patients in the halls.
Less nurses wanting to work in hospitals, or having become too ill to work, would be an issue. That said, in the late 90s-Early 2000s it was made clear in schools that there would be a shortage of nursing due to the large increase of boomers needing medical care in their older years. We have reached that point now. Too bad so many nurses left the job because they were to to take a jab or not come back.