BS. They are throwing everything they can at Trump hoping SOMETHING will stick! It is true that hydrochloroquine can be dangerous to some with underlying conditions, such as renal disease and others. Ivermectin is more benign. However personal experience with a doctor performing a virtual visit, this particular doctor took a careful medical history prior to subscribing ivermectin instead of hydrochloroquine. It is by far easier to obtain ivermectin than hydrochloroquine. If a doctor prescribed in the hospital or office without taking or knowing a patient’s history, that is on the doctor. I doubt 17,000 to be a legitimate number. If it is, that is far less than deaths by remdesevir, intubation and ventilation, and the Covid jab mandated by businesses, military, and other government and public offices worldwide.
BS. They are throwing everything they can at Trump hoping SOMETHING will stick! It is true that hydrochloroquine can be dangerous to some with underlying conditions, such as renal disease and others. Ivermectin is more benign. However personal experience with a doctor performing a virtual visit, this particular doctor took a careful medical history prior to subscribing ivermectin instead of hydrochloroquine. It is by far easier to obtain ivermectin than hydrochloroquine. If a doctor prescribed in the hospital or office without taking or knowing a patient’s history, that is on the doctor. I doubt 17,000 to be a legitimate number. If it is, that is far less than deaths by remdesevir, intubation and ventilation, and the Covid jab mandated by businesses, military, and other government and public offices worldwide.