No doubt, it was decided before the event that no question and no remark from anyone, including Trump, could concern the 800-pound gorilla/elephant hybrid in the room: the 2020 election, which was stolen. Baier never lets a syllable creep out about that without jumping in with his insipid, puerile admonishment that not a single shred of evidence suggests any wrongdoing in the election.
It's like saying there's no evidence that grass grows on the planet. Shut up, we can all see and smell it.
I don’t doubt that! I remember thirty years ago when he was on WRAL news in Raleigh NC. He was so low down the totem pole he was covering everything outside or remote sites. I don’t remember the hurricane that got him noticed. Next thing you know he’s on Fox News. I don’t know the steps between WRAL and fox.
WEEEEE$LLLL, He does have FREEEEEDOM OF SPEECHA (BEING a news reporter) HOWEVER, his stock will be sinking to the bottom like the Titanic when all is said and done...he is are a harbinger of what is going to happen to ALL THE NEWSIES..."LEFT OUT IN THE COLD" comes to mine!!!!
Brett Baier is a cabal controlled POS.
He is constantly trying to paint Trump in a bad light. I hope to one day see the turd in an orange jumpsuit.
No doubt, it was decided before the event that no question and no remark from anyone, including Trump, could concern the 800-pound gorilla/elephant hybrid in the room: the 2020 election, which was stolen. Baier never lets a syllable creep out about that without jumping in with his insipid, puerile admonishment that not a single shred of evidence suggests any wrongdoing in the election.
It's like saying there's no evidence that grass grows on the planet. Shut up, we can all see and smell it.
Maybe, but I'm all for a national platform where Trump can answer these 'allegations' so folks can hear it's a nothing burger.
I don’t doubt that! I remember thirty years ago when he was on WRAL news in Raleigh NC. He was so low down the totem pole he was covering everything outside or remote sites. I don’t remember the hurricane that got him noticed. Next thing you know he’s on Fox News. I don’t know the steps between WRAL and fox.
WEEEEE$LLLL, He does have FREEEEEDOM OF SPEECHA (BEING a news reporter) HOWEVER, his stock will be sinking to the bottom like the Titanic when all is said and done...he is are a harbinger of what is going to happen to ALL THE NEWSIES..."LEFT OUT IN THE COLD" comes to mine!!!!