There's a 16 year old in my class and she had always been very woke and even anti christian. She was pro trans, pro abortion, pro LGBT. Today at school I was looking to see which of the kids from my school were signed up for the pro life March next week and I was shocked to see her name in the list
Later I said to her "hey, youre signed up for the march for life? And she said yeah. I said what? Why? She said "i just woke up in the morning and realized everything I believe in is wrong. I realized I have to change my life" She was almost crying as she told me.
I don't know what really brought about her conversion. She is close to her dad, and I guess her dad was adopted and his maternal mom considered to have him aborted so maybe that played a part in it
I'm really happy for her and this change. I always kind of liked her because she was funny but I was never good friends with her because of how she was.
Guess we can't ever give up hope on someone.
You missed it.
I was merely relaying the exchange between OGpat and Pepesee, because OGpat went "huh"?
I have no comment on the comment.
I think your reply belongs to pepesee.