Отряд Ковпака
Видео о том, как боевики ВСУ закапывают трактором тела своих погибших в лесу. Но есть и хорошие новости: зато нашлись хоть кто-то из "самовільно залишивших розташування частини".@otryadkovpaka #Да_Победе #Украина #ВСУ #трактор #погибшие #лес #могила #Z
Unlawful burial by Ukrainians of Ukrainian soldiers killed in action caught on camera by a whistle blower (risking prison or execution in Ukraine). These men will be listed as either MIA or deserters, thereby falsely lowing the Ukrainian KIA death count. The grave is unmarked and will likely remain undiscovered for years.
Posted by: Unlawful graves | Jan 21 2024 16:46 utc | 34; Moon of Alabama
In 2022, President Putin spoke of mass graves and atrocities commited by the Ukraine Nazis in the Donbass region which was totally ignored by the European Union. Many of these people were civilians of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republic that broke away from Ukraine in 2014 fighting against the Kiev Nazis. The Donetsk Peoples Republic and the Lugansk Peoples Republic remain as independent States that will never be part of Ukraine again. The mass graves were discovered at about the same time that the Russian Ministry of Defense also discovered bioweapons labs in that area. This new evidence is just MORE PROOF that the Ukraine military are involved and are experts in building mass graves. Being that the EU ignored the evidence of the mass graves in 2022, I consider them complicit with Zelinski in these high crimes against humanity. We need new Nuremburg trials.
Well-put. Thank You.
I appreciate your thoughts.
I know where they can get a shitload of military aged males!
I think that is the plan. There is a program where direct citizenship is offered for those who join the military, I believe.
Convenient, if they are subsequently thrown into a Russian meatgrinder.
Yes, Biden is letting them in our own backyard at the southern border.
I'm assuming this was done after they harvested their organs while they were still alive.
The ukrainian flag looks suspicious
Nah. Nothing suspicious. The color values are off, and that could be because the camera color contrast is poor, the lighting is too grey (overcast), or the flag is faded from exposure. Sunlight will fade colors, especially blue and yellow. This can be seen all the time in storefront displays, where color posters have been on display for a long time and have become sun-bleached.
I think, as you say, the color balance is off. Prolly because there is so much white (snow) in the picture. White photography is very hard to do - it requires at least two F-stops of what would normally be considered over-exposure, from an automatic setting. One has to basically override the setting. Automatic cell-phone cameras don't do extreme stuff..
So the spots of color can look washed out, as the colors register too low, because the camera is busy looking at 'all that light'.
I mean seems too convenient that it has a flag
Everybody has a flag over there.