If a doctor, a family member or a neighbor wants to apologize for how they acted regarding the "vax"... accept it. They were brainwashed. We need to encourage people to wake up and admit their mistakes.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

Yeah, hard pass. MOST of these Doctors knew what was happening. They can ask God for grace. Their med licenses ought to be revoked.
...and if they didn't know what was happening, they're fucking idiots, and their medical licenses need to be revoked.
Exactly, and it's not just the "vax" viewpoint that matters here.
The Doctors MURDERED their patients in the Covid ICUs!
The Covid Hospital Protocol was designed to KILL.
The Covid Hospital Protocol was designed to make hospitals MONEY.
The Covid Hospital Protocol ensured no other remedy was available to TREAT Covid, because they had to make sure the Vaxx received its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to even be LEGAL. If Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine was shown to be effective (which they were), then the Vax would have become ILLEGAL.
So yeah, if a doctor wants to apologize they can ROT IN HELL.
Here's my idea of an offer for any doctor that wants to apologize. Since the Covid Hospital Protocol was the cutting edge idea on how to take care of covid patients, it must be safe for all.
So step right up Doc. Take the same medicine and protocol you forced your patients to take and I'll let you off the hook.
Oh, and hey, "the showers are safe," and "work will set you free," doc.
After Stay with me for a couple of weeks, you accidentally left out "Then you get jabbed five times with the pseudovax so we can get that blood to start clotting up nice and thick. It'll protect you from heart attacks and myocarditis! If you survive that for more than five years, I may consider forgiving you. Possibly."
Well stated. Thanks for the addition!
Your passion is justified and admirable.
The question I have for you is that once you have effectively executed 90-95% of the medical community in all practices, to whom will you turn for professional medical care for yourself or your family members?
What a silly question. Might as well ask, "What should be done since 90-95% of the medical community in all practices is unfit to administer to their community's health?"
Find ones that don't cater to pharma and peer pressure. Yeah, they're kinda rare and difficult to find. Might even have to consider the form of health care that was popular before the rise of petroleum pharmaceuticals: what's now called holistic medicine.
So you would trust your health to these charlatans? To those who didn't give a rat's behind about millions of people? I'd agree that there are SOME that might not have participated but if that was the case, would they not have lost their licenses or hospital privileges?
Fortunately, I have based medical providers in my circle. I will turn to them for myself and my family.
I am scared to death of needing emergency services because they have proven to be killing machines.
I am extra worried because my chart shows I am 100% unvaxxed, and that could only increase the desire of the murderers to kill me too. You know, to teach me a lesson. None of that is hyperbole. I really do feel that way and I am fairly sure they feel that way too.
People hate being proven wrong. Especially people who think they are smarter than everyone else.
So many dying the ones who held the line would be enough to help any of the society actually left after all the "died suddenly"
OK, great point; "professionals" I agree should be given virtually ZERO slack / forgiveness.
Virtually everyone on our side - even those who flunked out of high school chemistry - knew to ask the basics; 'how contagious is it? How lethal? (remember r0 / r-naught?)"
"mRNA vaccine" - what's that? Never heard. Is the polio / measles / mumps / TDAP; are all those vaccines "mRNA"?
Best of all; "how & why are we supposed to trust a "vaccine" that was plowed through in 9 months? How long did it take polio / measles / other ACTUAL vaccines to get tested and released to the public? Oh....like 10-30 YEARS? Oh, ok......"
Those are the questions we AMATEURS were asking; ANY "professional" doctor / scientist / politician; they proved themselves to be flat EVIL & should suck-start an AR15.
I know some smart doctors, but they believe in the Scamdemic. They even took the jab themselves. Yes, they weren't smart about the jab, but are smart in other ways.
I recently joined some old friends. One is a pediatrician. I had discussed or sent them information about the faulty PCR test, Fauci's statement about Cholorquine being the treatment in 2005, Dr. Peter McCoullough, VAERS, etc.
3 years later they were discussing all the people who got Covid.
Human nature, pride and EGO will block many apologies.
Mark Twain: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c9/be/5b/c9be5bc34518a4a739356dcdbcee42f2.jpg
It's one thing to be fooled into taking the vax yourself.
It's another thing to decide its okay to force it on others.
The first one can be forgiven. The second one...
It's just not a hard concept to not force your will on other people. It's even easier not to threaten other people when they don't follow your will. These people did both, and wanted me jailed and dead.
The information was available for me and them. ITS CALLED CHOICES AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. They chose not to research. They chose to listen to a narrow view point. They chose to discriminate. They chose to fire people, deject people from society. They chose to call for them to be jailed.
Fuck these people.
Maybe one day I might find some forgiveness for these people. But even if I do I WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT THESE BRAINDEAD DUMB FUCKS TRIED TO DO TO ME
This right here brother. I got banned from places in my own hometown cause I didn’t take the bullshit vaccine. Fuck these people to hell and back. And these stupid fucks drive Tesla’s and wonder why Puget Sound Energy wants us to conserve energy all of a sudden. I refuse to help any tech worker, shit lib or Tesla driver for these reasons. These idiots are trying to send us on a highway to hell.
Same here, NO.