If a doctor, a family member or a neighbor wants to apologize for how they acted regarding the "vax"... accept it. They were brainwashed. We need to encourage people to wake up and admit their mistakes.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

Your passion is justified and admirable.
The question I have for you is that once you have effectively executed 90-95% of the medical community in all practices, to whom will you turn for professional medical care for yourself or your family members?
What a silly question. Might as well ask, "What should be done since 90-95% of the medical community in all practices is unfit to administer to their community's health?"
Find ones that don't cater to pharma and peer pressure. Yeah, they're kinda rare and difficult to find. Might even have to consider the form of health care that was popular before the rise of petroleum pharmaceuticals: what's now called holistic medicine.
Holistic doctors keep getting themselves murdered. Weird right?
"Find ones that don't cater to pharma and peer pressure. Yeah, they're kinda rare and difficult to find."
They are rare and difficult to find now, true. Now, imagine when they are the only health providers available in your world. It wasn't a silly question.
It was meant to encourage you to think, and to come up with a solution that actually works.
We purebloods want justice. We want retribution. But how do we get both without cutting off our noses to spite our faces?
Post WWII would it have made sense to execute every person who was ever involved with the Nazi regime? Brilliant scientists were competled to fealty by force of their Nazi government on pain of loss of career and possibly jailing or death. Similar fact pattern to the experience of many medical professionals during CV-19 2020 - 2023.
Operation Paperclip migrated the brilliant scientists to the West and allowed us to employ their capabilites that once built rockets aimed at Britain to ultimately advance space exploration technology for the US. Consider the fact that satellite technology which we all use to exchange thoughts on the internet on this board today was in part made possible by the efforts of these scientists.
The scientists had to be de-nazified. Today's medical professionals who participated in the CV-19 push need to be rehabilitated and deprogrammed.
Unless we want to lose our sadly - but not necressarily forever -- duped local healthcare providers, I propose to give these people a pathway to reputational rehabilitation. Have them individually compose and sign a declaration of remorse, and a pledge to assist in the investigations of the bigwigs who compelled their fealty. Have them post this declaration prominently at their places of business.
Sure, there were little guys - private practice docs, pharmacists, and group healthcare providers sucked into the borg, but if you are looking for real retribution - go for the big pockets - the Big hospitals, Big academics sucking gov't dick, Big Pharma, Big Pharmacy, Big Insurance, Big Media. Investigate and prosecute the bigwigs in DOD, NIH, FDA, and DARPA. Go EO 13848 and force disgorgement of profits. Make many of these big players become insolvent.
Depending on the size of the business entity consider Class action filings by those many who were harmed. May be brought against individual businesses, and Big wogs who personally owned, managed, led these businesses and who engaged in wrongful firings over mask and vackzz compliance. The leadership of these orgs are the targets who need to be impoverished and perpetually debarred from hire in their professions. Let them re-invent themselves on their own time even as many who were fired from their careers and/or military service were foced to do.
We will have our retribution but we must do this with wisdom, and without a spirit of unfocused vengeance.
We're obviously of two different minds about this. And that's fine - I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I can be rather harsh and callous to those that have made an oath to do no harm and then make it a daily practice to break that oath.
You claim to want justice and retribution, but it seems you don't want to extract it from the only ones that can it can feasibly be extracted from. Thanks to a piece of 1986 legislation we cannot seek legal redress from vaccine manufacturers. We can apply for compensation from a government program, but it does absolutely nothing to stop the problem because the compensation is paid by taxpayers.
Bringing a class action law suit against the manufacturers gives the optics of something being done about the problem, but the ones that actually pay the fine are taxpayers again.
And yes, we should go after the big 3 letter agencies, the insurance magnates, and the pharma cartels. But good luck finding a judge willing to hear any of it while those targeted are free to spin any argument through media outlets or even create new pandemics as needed.
As I see it, it's nigh impossible to use our current system to hold these monsters accountable to anything unless a precedent is set. And the only chink in the armor is at the doctor-patient level. Doctors have the ability to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable. They are extremely unlikely to do so without pressure however, because it will mean a huge loss of revenue and clout. But they do have the power to not prescribe harmful substances, and they can be made to be more aware of what is harmful if we hold them accountable for not doing it.
Unless we force accountability into these people at every level possible, we will never have justice for this and only ensure the tyranny continues. Simply targeting their leadership is the equivalent of cutting heads of the hydra. The problem must be dealt with at the root. Going from the top down only ensures it gets stopped in court.
So you would trust your health to these charlatans? To those who didn't give a rat's behind about millions of people? I'd agree that there are SOME that might not have participated but if that was the case, would they not have lost their licenses or hospital privileges?
If you rid your society of 90-95% of health practicioners today, maybe you'll get a simple physical scheduled for you sometime out 10+ years. Trying to get you to think here.
Those who held the line are rare and difficult to find now.
We purebloods want justice. We want retribution. But how do we get both without cutting off our noses to spite our faces?
Post WWII would it have made sense to execute every person who was ever involved with the Nazi regime? Brilliant scientists were competled to fealty by force of their Nazi government on pain of loss of career and possibly jailing or death. Similar fact pattern to the experience of many medical professionals during CV-19 2020 - 2023.
Operation Paperclip migrated the brilliant scientists to the West and allowed us to employ their capabilites that once built rockets aimed at Britain to ultimately advance space exploration technology for the US. Consider the fact that satellite technology which we all use to exchange thoughts on the internet on this board today was in part made possible by the efforts of these scientists.
The scientists had to be de-nazified. Today's medical professionals who participated in the CV-19 push need to be rehabilitated and deprogrammed.
Unless we want to lose our sadly - but not necressarily forever -- duped local healthcare providers, I propose to give these people a pathway to reputational rehabilitation. Have them individually compose and sign a declaration of remorse, and a pledge to assist in the investigations of the bigwigs who compelled their fealty. Have them post this declaration prominently at their places of business.
Sure, there were little guys - private practice docs, pharmacists, and group healthcare providers sucked into the borg, but if you are looking for real retribution - go for the big pockets - the Big hospitals, Big academics sucking gov't dick, Big Pharma, Big Pharmacy, Big Insurance, Big Media. Investigate and prosecute the bigwigs in DOD, NIH, FDA, and DARPA. Go EO 13848 and force disgorgement of profits. Make many of these big players become insolvent.
Depending on the size of the business entity consider Class action filings by those many who were harmed. May be brought against individual businesses, and Big wogs who personally owned, managed, led these businesses and who engaged in wrongful firings over mask and vackzz compliance. The leadership of these orgs are the targets who need to be impoverished and perpetually debarred from hire in their professions. Let them re-invent themselves on their own time even as many who were fired from their careers and/or military service were foced to do.
We will have our retribution but we must do this with wisdom, and without a spirit of unfocused vengeance.
If you know the face and name of the person that murdered your family member, would this be your response?
Let's say you are minding your own business, someone takes out a gun and shoots your spouse or child. Would you really request they write a remorseful letter and they can go on their way?
Personally, I cannot do that. I would want them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If I found out they did it to many other people, I would expect the death penalty for their mass murdering ways.
If I found out the person happened to be a doctor, it wouldn't change my mind. It would actually make the crime worse in my opinion, because doctors are supposed to save lives, not take them.
You continue to miss the point. You should want to get the big fish to have an effective retribution. Any German private left defending Berlin as the Allies closed in had likely shot "enemy" with the intent and pupose to kill as instructed by his leadership. Is it not more valuable to turn that soldier - to cause him to turn his fire on his leadership as the Allies continue to advance? We did not execute every German soldier that carried a bolt action. We deNazified them.
We did not execute every Confederate who killed a Union soldier in the Civil War. The invitation was to lay down their weapons, cease making war and sign a loyalty oath to the Union and all would be forgiven.
If you concentrate on the minnows like you are presently inclined to do, you won't get the big fish. If the little fish refuse to sign that statement of remorse, then go full retribution on them personally as un-repentant "combatants" and for them let it include the possibility of public execution. We want the little fish to point to their higher ups - thse likely not to be the operational public facing bureaucrats and health adminstrators and roll them out for public execution.
Consider a measured response, not a solution which for all its "righteous" intent results in a Phyrric victory as you have destroyed by blanket execution the remnants of the sophisticated and world standard for a medical care system we had enjoyed until the CV-19 biowar.
Fortunately, I have based medical providers in my circle. I will turn to them for myself and my family.
I am scared to death of needing emergency services because they have proven to be killing machines.
I am extra worried because my chart shows I am 100% unvaxxed, and that could only increase the desire of the murderers to kill me too. You know, to teach me a lesson. None of that is hyperbole. I really do feel that way and I am fairly sure they feel that way too.
People hate being proven wrong. Especially people who think they are smarter than everyone else.
So many dying the ones who held the line would be enough to help any of the society actually left after all the "died suddenly"
That is wishful thinking. If you rid your society of 90-95% of health practicioners today, maybe you'll get a simple physical scheduled for you sometime out 10+ years. Trying to get you to thinkk here.
Those who held the line are rare and difficult to find now.
We purebloods want justice. We want retribution. But how do we get both without cutting off our noses to spite our faces?
Post WWII would it have made sense to execute every person who was ever involved with the Nazi regime? Brilliant scientists were competled to fealty by force of their Nazi government on pain of loss of career and possibly jailing or death. Similar fact pattern to the experience of many medical professionals during CV-19 2020 - 2023.
Operation Paperclip migrated the brilliant scientists to the West and allowed us to employ their capabilites that once built rockets aimed at Britain to ultimately advance space exploration technology for the US. Consider the fact that satellite technology which we all use to exchange thoughts on the internet on this board today was in part made possible by the efforts of these scientists.
The scientists had to be de-nazified. Today's medical professionals who participated in the CV-19 push need to be rehabilitated and deprogrammed.
Unless we want to lose our sadly - but not necressarily forever -- duped local healthcare providers, I propose to give these people a pathway to reputational rehabilitation. Have them individually compose and sign a declaration of remorse, and a pledge to assist in the investigations of the bigwigs who compelled their fealty. Have them post this declaration prominently at their places of business.
Sure, there were little guys - private practice docs, pharmacists, and group healthcare providers sucked into the borg, but if you are looking for real retribution - go for the big pockets - the Big hospitals, Big academics sucking gov't dick, Big Pharma, Big Pharmacy, Big Insurance, Big Media. Investigate and prosecute the bigwigs in DOD, NIH, FDA, and DARPA. Go EO 13848 and force disgorgement of profits. Make many of these big players become insolvent.
Depending on the size of the business entity consider Class action filings by those many who were harmed. May be brought against individual businesses, and Big wogs who personally owned, managed, led these businesses and who engaged in wrongful firings over mask and vackzz compliance. The leadership of these orgs are the targets who need to be impoverished and perpetually debarred from hire in their professions. Let them re-invent themselves on their own time even as many who were fired from their careers and/or military service were foced to do.
We will have our retribution but we must do this with wisdom, and without a spirit of unfocused vengeance.
You sure do love your copy and paste. So if we have rapists, pedophillia etc we just look the other way? Same goes for murderous doctors, nurses etc. What we allow continues. Cull them all.
Copy and paste the body of a response to ~5 persons in the same thread, yet a response still tailored to each of you, because you were all saying the same ill-considered thing. Now you have allowed yourself to become distracted. We are talking about the vaxxxes not pedophilia and rape. Try to stay on topic. Your solution for administering justice will break the back of American healthcare, and fulfil the CCP's ultimate nefarious intentions. Administer justice wisely and start by curbing your incliniation for shoot 'em style revenge.