Pretty much the same story all over the developed West.
But here's the key: the big picture, the root cause, all comes down to people handing over their sovereignty to a deceptive, manipulative, and fraudulent power, manifesting through 'government'.
There is no getting away from this. There is ultimately only one solution: people have to wake up and learn that under God's creation, living men and women have inalienable rights granted by the creator, and government must be kept in the servant position by those men and women.
Regardless of what solutions, band aids or movements arise to combat the globalist / marxist / cabal agenda, without the aforementioned waking and rising to responsibility, it cannot change.
Pretty much the same story all over the developed West.
But here's the key: the big picture, the root cause, all comes down to people handing over their sovereignty to a deceptive, manipulative, and fraudulent power, manifesting through 'government'.
There is no getting away from this. There is ultimately only one solution: people have to wake up and learn that under God's creation, living men and women have inalienable rights granted by the creator, and government must be kept in the servant position by those men and women.
Regardless of what solutions, band aids or movements arise to combat the globalist / marxist / cabal agenda, without the aforementioned waking and rising to responsibility, it cannot change.