BREAKING: Appeals Court Stacked with Biden Judges Denies Trump Immunity in Jack Smith's DC Case-President Trump Responds | The G...
A federal appeals court stacked with Biden judges on Tuesday denied Trump immunity in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s January 6 DC case.
Welp, here we go.
Watch the doomers flood in here and make a mess of things!
Lol...remind them it has to be this way. Once SCOTUS gives green light all past presidents can be dialed up. 👍
This ruling just means literally nothing has changed. If none of those presidents have been dialed up yet, it's not going to happen.
If Trump is in jail, who will go after all the other past presidents? That is the rub in that theory.
Lol...2nd prize goes to Olddogg!! Lol..☺️
40K view man. How long do you think Trump would stay in jail? Only long enough to wake up more normies and expose the deeply embedded traitors to our country. This part of the movie is important and we have to have the wisdom to discern what's going on. Remember, the Patriots are in control.
Then why are you calling me confused?
I only called the doomers doomers. Not everyone. 2 of you to be exact.
Like this wasn't 100% expected....
But I thought this whole thing was on hold anyway....
Guess not.
Next stop Supreme court.
"It's over man, IT'S OVER! Trump is going to prison and we're screwed as a nation! They won!"
It's ok. We'll all get there in the end.
Let the games begin!
Ok. You get the prize for being the 1st doomer! Ding ding ding...a winner! 🤣🤣🤣
If Trump loses we have way more to deal with then taking obummer to court. We'll be fighting for our lives.
If Trump loses you think I'm confused that MAGA folks will be fighting for their lives?
And now you're down voting all my comments??
If he wins the cases the WHs can still go after obummer. They know he was never legally president. Obviously, there's more to this than we can imagine.
Obummer was not legally able to hold office. I don't believe Immunity would apply here.