165 Was Hunter S. Thompson Part of Psyop? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by SemperSupra (context) 1 year ago by SemperSupra +167 / -2 35 comments download share 35 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Yes. Hunter s Thompson was one of the videographers for compromising videos out at Bohemian Grove when it was not in use.
Some children testified to it who were taken there from out of town, a child was killed on film and the other children taken to a party later.
Hunter Thompson was killed by a gun in his office with a silencer on it that he did not own.
The story of his videography work is in the Franklin Cover Up up by Senator John DeCamp.
The Hunter wrote about adrenochrome in fear and loathing in Las Vegas.
That was a big no-no.
He was also getting ready to publish a 911 book prior to “Suicide “
You’d think that if he was in trouble for a soft disclosure of adrenochrome, that detail would have been left out of the film, replaced with something else