What? Surely not the Ingalls. Pop was just out in the forests chopping wood and harvesting maple. Can't imagine him doing all the other weird freemason stuff.
yes, it's fascinating/unexpected, and has been helpful in understanding what might be going on; good guys playing bad guys, stirring the pot. like the movie the Sting.
this is Pa Ingalls daughter Carrie, she was a Christian, very conservative & a member of the Eastern Star. she lived in Keystone, it's where Mount Rushmore is now.
speaking of Laura Ingalls, her dad was a freemason, had no idea! and I was a huge fan, read the books multiple times.
There's a book called Little Lodges on the Prairie about Pa Ingalls and the freemasons, but I haven't read it yet.
What? Surely not the Ingalls. Pop was just out in the forests chopping wood and harvesting maple. Can't imagine him doing all the other weird freemason stuff.
yeah I was shocked too! it's actually what caused me to look at freemasons differently.
since I'm familiar with the area where the Ingalls lived, know the kind of people, etc. it didn't make sense that they were 'satanists'.
starting to think disinformation is the underlying theme with freemasons, to make us all think they're 'bad'. lots of disinfo,
but a great way to spy, and lure out the real demons, Karens, etc. George Washington was a master mason, and President Trump admires him a lot🤔
Yeah. I agree. Probably a lot of them just like hanging out and doing lodge stuff. Probably benign.
Wow I did not know that
yes, it's fascinating/unexpected, and has been helpful in understanding what might be going on; good guys playing bad guys, stirring the pot. like the movie the Sting.
this is Pa Ingalls daughter Carrie, she was a Christian, very conservative & a member of the Eastern Star. she lived in Keystone, it's where Mount Rushmore is now.
Oh cool I'll check it out.