Michael Whatley, the Trump-Endorsed Candidate for RNC Chair, Previously Told Voters to Disregard Trump's Endorsement of Rep. Ted...
On Monday, President Donald Trump officially announced his endorsement of Michael Whatley, the current Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, to succeed Ronna McDaniel as the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
Graham's probably going to be around another 10 years regardless of being exposed. Trump never endorsed Romney and he is exposed. It doesn't take an endorsement to show Mitch is a rat. Mitch probably will expire soon but not because of any endorsements or lack of.
Sigh..... Romney has been exposed for decades. Why do you think the ds no longer try to run him as a presidential candidate?
So he is a known bad, his family is a know bad, yet conservatives though harmless looking pudgy Ronna was safe? Thanks for walking this back around to how important the "spotlight" is....🙄🙄🙄🙄
Do yall still get paid by the post? Dm me with your rates, I might hire out, you have been most helpful here....
EDIT: LMAO at lindsey getting another 10 years.....I take it you haven't read the articles talking about he and McCain traveling to Ukraine in 2014 to support the nazi azzoff for their help in our cia color revolution there. (Second one in 7 years btw)