Well, it would take some effort. What converted me was when I really gave Bible study a chance. Reading for myself as well as listening to Bible experts unravel some of the deeper level things. The moment I realized it was all true was when it dawned on me the vast numbers of interconnected threads that weave throughout the Bible, crossing books from every era, written across a thousand+ years. There is no way humans pulled this off. Only an all powerful God could have created this.
I'll give you one example, one of very many. Moses wrote the first 5 book, including the story of when he first met God at the burning bush. At one point in this encounter, he asks God what his name is. God responds with a 4 letter name (AHYH) which translates to "I AM". Moses asks again, presumably because he didn't want to say to his people "The great God, I Am, is commanding you to..." This time God gives him a different 4 letter name (YHWH) which translates to "HE THAT IS".
"I AM" and "HE THAT IS" are correct translations of those words, but additionally, each letter in the words have their own meaning in the original pictographic Paleo Hebrew language. "A" = "God/Father/Leader", "H" = "Behold/Look/See", "Y" = "Hands/Arms/Works", and "W" = "Nails/Pegs/Fasten".
So, God gave two of his names, on the surface they mean "I AM" and "HE THAT IS", but deeper, they mean "Behold God, Behold His Hands" and "Behold His Hands, Behold Nails".
Moses would have had no idea about God's plan to become human and be nailed to the cross, he couldn't possibly been a part of a conspiracy to make up a fake religion. He wrote what God inspired him to write, and only a thousand years later, after the cross, could people look back and go "Woah, that's been there the whole time."
Well, it would take some effort. What converted me was when I really gave Bible study a chance. Reading for myself as well as listening to Bible experts unravel some of the deeper level things. The moment I realized it was all true was when it dawned on me the vast numbers of interconnected threads that weave throughout the Bible, crossing books from every era, written across a thousand+ years. There is no way humans pulled this off. Only an all powerful God could have created this. I'll give you one example, one of very many. Moses wrote the first 5 book, including the story of when he first met God at the burning bush. At one point in this encounter, he asks God what his name is. God responds with a 4 letter name (AHYH) which translates to "I AM". Moses asks again, presumably because he didn't want to say to his people "The great God, I Am, is commanding you to..." This time God gives him a different 4 letter name (YHWH) which translates to "HE THAT IS". "I AM" and "HE THAT IS" are correct translations of those words, but additionally, each letter in the words have their own meaning in the original pictographic Paleo Hebrew language. "A" = "God/Father/Leader", "H" = "Behold/Look/See", "Y" = "Hands/Arms/Works", and "W" = "Nails/Pegs/Fasten". So, God gave two of his names, on the surface they mean "I AM" and "HE THAT IS", but deeper, they mean "Behold God, Behold His Hands" and "Behold His Hands, Behold Nails". Moses would have had no idea about God's plan to become human and be nailed to the cross, he couldn't possibly been a part of a conspiracy to make up a fake religion. He wrote what God inspired him to write, and only a thousand years later, after the cross, could people look back and go "Woah, that's been there the whole time."